Was that in Waldo or Gainesville? Gainesville I can see. The police there are the good kind of cops mostly: helping the community. Or was it a Waldo cop? If it was Waldo your a jammy bastard.
Was that in Waldo or Gainesville? Gainesville I can see. The police there are the good kind of cops mostly: helping the community. Or was it a Waldo cop? If it was Waldo your a jammy bastard.
I think part of the real reason that the revenue is so low is that many of the tickets are issued to people from out of state. If your not coming back to Florida, why pay?
I've driven this road for decades. It, Lawtey and Stark are all in a line and all known as speed traps to the locals.
I want to play Fract OSC when I get my Oculus DK2. You here me Phosfiend? Please port that sucker!
Any Apple Mouse™. Their track pads are good but none of my Apples still has its original mouse. The ergonomics of Apple mice suck!
Argh, Jason!! How them hell am I supposed to finish my lunch? Damn my click habit. Who has the Brain Bleach™?
Wait a minute..... Can you put a tow hitch on a Hellcat???
Meeting spaces will be the biggest use for VR. That's why Facebook threw down.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but, I'm pretty sure the Blue Angels can't do this. They don't even have radar in their nose cones. They replace the radar with a 700 pound lead weight to balance the aircraft.
I have seen the community of good people on the Gawker set of sites do good things. The good outnumber the bad by an order of magnitude. The times that the Jalopnick community has come together to solve a crime come to mind.
I'm calling it. - Someone will do Dancing Groot cosplay within one year. IT WILL BE EPIC!
I just want it to come out on Mac OSX native so I don't have to reboot to Windows.
It is correct for the in game assets. They (Bioware) just flipped the texture map from the right to the left size to save memory. Common practice in the game industry to reuse as many assets as possible to reduce memory foot print.
Ah, sorry but I have to cry BULLSHIT on one point at least. That is not the original cover for Wing Commander. Part of the marketing glory, and part of the reason the game was so successful, was that the box art used actual game graphics only. The game was massively ahead of other titles of the time in its graphical…
If you can and want to do it I'd do it now. Mavericks is very stable and the community has had time to iron out the kinks. When Yosemite is new to the world there may not be much help to be had from other people as they wont have had time to get the kinks out.
This just shows the general ability of this new stations people to grasp reality. Which is to say very little.
You might be surprised. The x86 project has many people using AMD cpu computers. Usually on ASUS or Gigabyte motherboards but I've heard of Dell's and HP's getting the Hackintosh treatment. Check out http://tonymacx86.com/
I have a Hackintosh (replaced my Mac Pro). I set up second SSD boot drive Windows 7 for the applications I might need to use during work.
1st rule of PC building. Boot test it before you close up the case. - This is a corollary to Murphy's Law.