
Yea. And it’s even more likely that the prosecutor is good but has a huge case load. It’s not like people that go into that profession aren’t passionate or secretly want rapists to get away with rape. I doubt there is anyone, besides the rapist, that didn’t think this dude deserved to have the book thrown at him.

It was pointed out by the very awesome Ken White at www.popehat.com (https://popehat.com/2016/04/28/reg…) that the problem here may have not so much been the law on the books, but the statute under which the prosecuter approached the case. This happens often where the charges brought against the person don’t fit well

Yes. So much praise for not killing someone. Good job. Doing your job. Well done.

No. No it is not the best looking. I think they just reclaimed portals off of decommissioned submarines and threw a strap on them. This watch is a big thick eye sore. LOOK AT IT! It’s like a metal brick strapped to your wrist. Make it stop!

No. No it is not the best looking. I think they just reclaimed portals off of decommissioned submarines and threw a

A friend taught my wife how to me and my wife how to make Mexican rice this way. We toast the rice in a little oil, and boil the water in the microwave. Once the water is how we stir in a couple packets of Sazon (Tomato and Cilantro flavor) and a little chicken bullion. Once the rice is toasted, pour over the water

Yea... you gotta get over that, your missing out on some great content. It’s like not listening to Smashing Pumpkins because Billy Corgan’s whiney cat-stuck-in-a-bear-trap shrill abnoxious-to-the-point-of-anger voice is too much... where was I going with this?



It’s fine for content providers that are working with TMo to downgrade the video quality (like netflix pushing back the quality to 480), 480 netflix isn’t terrible on a small phone.... but the problem is the providers that aren’t working with netflix, like YouTube. The connection is merely throttled. Like.. they are

Sliding switch! Yes. Thank you. You deserve a raise.

I would love to check this (I’m pretty sure I turned it off, but the toggle button on their website is deceptive as hell)... unfortunately, I have no signal. Hahaha haha haha... ugh...



You don’t know what you’re talking about. I hate you from reading this comment you have left. If you could see my body language right now, you would get the feeling that I’m repulsed, saddened, and horrified from the way I have bent myself into a pretzel while sobbing and spanking my own ass at the same time. Email,

username checks out

username checks out

I’m a bit taken aback by her statement on “Sunday Morning” that was something like:

It’s not as small as the NUC, but I built a tiny form factor HTPC a year ago with a Intel J1800 cpu/mobo combo (50 bucks from newegg) with a tiny little Morex case with a built in completley silent PSU (68 bucks at Amazon). Add a cheap SSD, cheap memory, and a wifi usb dongle and your ready to fly. It handles

It’s not as small as the NUC, but I built a tiny form factor HTPC a year ago with a Intel J1800 cpu/mobo combo (50

The Micro Machines Super City OMGWTFBBQ. I mean, it’s a full on city that folds up into a friggin toolbox. JUST LOOK AT IT!

This watch is the most polarizing smart watch on the market. It’s just so damned ugly. It’s like a metal brick with a round screen in the middle. Unless you have ham hocks for wrists the strap will be completely off your skin except for the bit that wraps around the underside of your arm.

This watch is the most polarizing smart watch on the market. It’s just so damned ugly. It’s like a metal brick with

She doesn’t want you to do the dishes, skywalkr. She wants you to WANT to do the dishes.

Applying to have it removed is not the same as having it removed. Furthermore it completely ignores the argument that it’s an unnecessary waste that has no impact on our safety and causes unnecessary collateral damage to his family. It also doesn’t speak to the argument that a one-size-fits-all solution is wholly