Newer versions have Android Auto and Apple Carplay built in so you don't have to deal with the nightmare that was Ford Sync.
Newer versions have Android Auto and Apple Carplay built in so you don't have to deal with the nightmare that was Ford Sync.
This looks just like mine. It's my second one. I ditched the first one at 98k miles and got a 2017, all black limited. I love it.
I would kill for a way to do this on Android. I had my airpods for a month or two until I was able to get my hands on someone's iPhone to name and adjust the settings on my airpods. It's the only apple product I own and they were given as a gift. Makes me really not like apple products, but I do appreciate my airpods.
“Spoilers below, for those who would rather read than watch a 90-second video that clearly illustrates what to do.”
I believe the extra wipe is called a "Courtesy Wipe". At least that's what I believe my Ford manual and setting are referring to.
Votes are depressingly cheap.
Chicago? Politically correct? Are you nuts? It’s nothing but corrupt from the bottom up here. It’s run by the mob. It’s pure unadulterated croneyism. It’s like third world mafia bribe-paying threat wielding creeps running this city and you are holding it up as an example of political correctness on gun control? It’s a…
You first sentence. Bravo. This is exactly 100% it.
This was the most infuriating part of the whole thing. I live a few miles from here and it hit my social media through friends before the local news picked it up. This dickwad confirmed to the cop all the awful shit he said, then tried to play it off the next day like he never said any of it. The cop pulled the…
Damnit. I know what I’m worth. ITS THE JOB THAT I’M APPLYING FOR THAT I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT. Does their job match what I want to do and are they willing to pay for what I’m worth. It’s almost like... it’s almost like you didn’t read a single word of what I wrote. By chance do you write job descriptions for online…
I don’t know who a Single. One. of these people are... except for the dimples (and the fellow they call Mario Lopez to which they are attached) and that Jenner girl. If these are celebrities then I must be a late-thirties out of touch white guy living in a flyover state.
First off, you are engaging in victim blaming. What reason she had to have her passport and drivers license information on a server is not our business, nor is it necessarily a bad idea. I’ve had my drivers license scanned by my doctors office and car rental companies. I guarantee you that image is sitting on a server…
The hackers put it on her server... not her... O_o
I scrolled through all of the comments to find this argument. Bagels are too tough and chewy and the disgusting crud you stick inside is going to squirt out like a rocket when you bite down. Either the containing breadstuff has to be soft so your teeth will cut it cleanly, or it needs to be ridged so it can’t squish…
Agreements, pledges, contracts, deals... they mean nothing to Trump. This is only a big deal to the folks that are easily fooled. Although, if you made a Venn diagram of the population that are easily fooled and the population that are Trump supporters, it would be a perfect circle. Or.. I guess it’s a big deal in…
I was almost about to loop through this test 30 or so times until I found the correct incorrect one. Thank you. sin(pi/2) is 1, dangit. I’m a software engineer that does analytics development for a living, so this was really bugging me something crazy.
Reporting in. Had no idea. Don’t much care either, but still WHAAAAAAaaaAAAAAAaaaaaT? THaAAaTsCRAYcray.
Give us 250 and we’ll turn your friends, family, and coworkers into your sales targets! A deal like this doesn’t come along often!