
Mostly agreed, and furthermore the punishment will not keep anyone safe from this man in the future. And isn’t that the whole idea here? We want to keep our society safer from sexual predators, and this boy’s actions do not suggest that he is the type of threat that would be mitigated by being on a sexual predator

Weight = Mass x Gravity, so if you figure out how to counteract the force of gravity, it says nothing about the mass of the object that the gravity is acting upon.

But it looks like a giant hunk of ugly metal with a screen stuck in the middle of it. This thing would make my slender effeminate wrists look like the twigs that they are. I said “Good day, sir”.

But it looks like a giant hunk of ugly metal with a screen stuck in the middle of it. This thing would make my

But the mother just died. Seems like maybe this is a grab for inheritance as well.

I mostly agree here. The one doing the cheating deserves like 90% of the scorn. But.. if the other woman knew that he was in a serious relationship and decided to go at a relationship anyway... Total Scum. If you’ve been cheated on and know how traumatic that can be, and then cause that to happen to someone else...

No shit. I swear to Glob that that exact bag can be seen in Troop Beverly Hills.

I think we’ll see in the future that no airline seats will recline (except for first class since there is adequate room for both regardless of seat position). Maybe you should buck up and take an ibuprofen. Unfortunately, there is no drug to cure my inability to use my computer, read a book comfortably, or not have my

I get the same sense from Rauner, Illinois’ new Rebublican Governor. He’s stepped write in trying to pull the same bullshit that Governor RatFace pulled up in Wisconsin.




I’m pretty sure that all of the articles I’ve read about this say that it’s an opt-out feature. I have no doubt that you are telling the truth though since otherwise you would have little reason to call me idiotic, right? I would agree that if this were the only aspect of the story, and it turns out that this is, in

This, as a baked in opt-out feature, has not been around for a while. It’s cool that you want to spy on your kid, to each their own. The fact that this feature is on be default is frightening. Furthermore, the idea that Microsoft is storing this data by default is appalling. It should make anyone think twice before

People get “Breathe” tattooed on themselves... I guess this is similar, right?

So, interesting story. Even though I’m a Dad, and a mushroom, but more importantly a Dad, I know how to braid. Unfortunately, I don’t have a daughter, so I just spray, part, and spray again... it’s boring. Maybe once my niece gets old enough to sit still I can put rusty braiding skills to good use.

Yeah... I don’t know how it is in other preschools. We live in a pretty low-income area, so most of the parents around here are more concerned about making ends meet and feeding their kids, then they are about “pomp and circumstance” and diplomas. I think I would get a little barfy and would have problems with my eyes

I would have agreed with this before I had kids. If my kid is excited about me showing up to his pre-school so that he can sing songs and dance in front of us parents and “graduate”, then I’m all about it. Plus my kid has worked his little butt of learning his ABC’s and how to write them. That’s tough stuff to master

I was trying to find the article where all of the bulbs were compared. They looked at the lowest setting too. I think the Phillips were the best for that.

Yea.. it’s kind of a bummer that the lowest level is as bright as it is. Perhaps the Wemo compatible Osram bulbs are better. Other than that, I love my Wemo stuff.

I was doing this with my Wemo bulbs, but I really didn’t like it. The lowest light setting on the Wemo bulb is just a little to bright, so when it first clicks on it wakes me up. I guess I’m a light sleeper.

I’ll flex my biceps and invite people to watch the “Gun show” while I cut down a tree with an ax and my bare hands. I’ll ride a swimming moose and drink an entire beer in one guzzle. I’ll carry a brown leather wallet in my right back pocket. I’ll get REALLY FRIGGIN ANGRY when someone says my bag is a purse and

I’ll flex my biceps and invite people to watch the “Gun show” while I cut down a tree with an ax and my bare hands.