
I have an HD HomeRun Prime I bought a few years ago for the Cable end of the business. I have Comcast and I rent a CableCard from them for like 8 bucks a month on top of my HD plan. I don't subscribe to any premium channels like HBO so it works well. YMMV when it comes to those premium channels. I don't think it's

If I build a higher performance rig, it's going in my bedroom, so it needs to be pretty quiet. We sleep with a box fan running, but I know from experience that the lower frequency sounding box fan doesn't do anything for the higher pitch whine and clacking of a cheap computer fan. I was thinking of a larger sized fan

It's already enough of a pain in the ass to pull everything apart to add a new card, or replace a bum hard drive. Can you just imagine having to drain your computer first and then deal with nasty oily cabling and parts. Yuck.

I generally don't do PC Gaming so my last couple of builds have been for the smallest quietest PC I can build, which is a fun goal. The last one was a J1800/MiniITX combo CPU/Mobo into a tiny Morex T3410. It sips electricity and is completely fanless, which is just the strangest thing for someone that's been building

OOooooooooh I hadn't seen that yet. I MUST HAVE IT!

YOU need to get it through your head that black face is NEVER OK. YOU need to understand that because one Muslim said it was ok, doesn't make it ok for the other 1.5 Billion. It's like saying "My black friend Bob said it was ok if I use the N word, so it's OK".

Anyone that feels like attacking Charmed22 needs to go back and read up on intersectionality... and probably just get a clue in general. Just Sayin'

I wish I could give this comment 10 stars. It is 2015 and people still don't get that dark-face, yellow-face, or black-face are disgustingly bottom-of-the-barrel racist... How the hell have you lived into adulthood and missed this one?

Are you sure this isn't one of those things where your friends and family are struggling to be near you and you are blissfully unware. I have a friend that experiments with the no-soap/shampoo thing and there is a definite sour grungy tangy funk happening there.

I have no opinion on the stand and wipe. However, I am disgusted with the prospect of leaving not-to-goopy poop in my crack just because the shower is next. I'd like to hit the shower with a relatively poop free crack.

So... this one time we were driving up to my family's cabin with the same cousin that hit the seagull (this was well before that when we were teenagers). There was a very large raven on the road a mile ahead. I said, jokingly, to my cousin, "I'm going to catch that bird". So I rolled down the window in the backseat

My cousin tried to get a seagull with a jet ski. He succeeded and felt terrible about it. Sometimes we set stupid dangerous goals for fun and realize, after achieving the goal, that it was stupid and dangerous.

And Bluetooth enabled OBD-II... You don't need that fancy check engine light that is enumerated for all the fault codes like you suggest below, if you make it so the bluetooth hookup in the car accesses the diagnostics bits of the car as well. It will be all on the phone then.

Mayo is disgusting, unless it's mixed with Chipotle. Then it's beautiful. BEAUTIFUL.

Yea.. I'm not sure that happened. Right place at the right time, I suppose.

She probably also thinks that goddamned dress is White and Gold.

Notorious Trolls aside, Patricia Arquette hung up a big ol "Mission Accomplished" sign for Black and LGBT rights and told those folk to come help white women. That ain't cool.

I think this misunderstanding is born from the definition "Scalloped"

Just more typical "Europe is better because Europe" bullshit. "Because they are considered safe here" is the about the only part of that line of logic that we should be focusing on. Furthermore which chemicals get regulated in each country is just as much a function of science and education as it is politics and