
I've seen some nasty stuff (as a customer) and it's ALWAYS ALWAYS in the nice area of town. My theory is that in the not-so-nice areas the people that are dining out have a greater appreciation for the experience because it's not an every day event for them. It's in the richer areas that you have to sit elbow to elbow

As a Midwesterner, I wholly support the policy that every single story posted on BCO end with "Midwestern Christian" or some variant thereof.

Lifelong midwesterner here. You are doing more harm to the good name of Christian Dog-fucking Midwesterners than this story did... Or at least justifying the hate. Also, "Xenophobic" is so insanely over the top that it has found it's own orbit around Earth.

But she just has a lot of feelings

That's cool for a book or some fanfic, but for education or reporting, a warning isn't going to spoil the content and it will allow the folks that might struggle with the content to prepare themselves a bit before digesting it. It's a courtesy. I mean... who wants to walk into a second or third year biology/medical

I have to disagree with you on the trigger warning thing. I have no dog in this fight since I generally don' really trigger over anything, but... I see trigger warnings as merely a queue to the reader or viewer of the content to prepare themselves for something that may be upsetting. I don't see it as a sign that the

What a bunch of scum. This is the same "Love the sinner, hate the sin" BS that mainstream christianity has been toting for a while. LDS, just like the new cool not-so-cool pope, can suck it.

You should try growing up with this much privilege and see how you would turn out. I can barely keep myself from rioting during pumpkin festivals. It's hard out there on the white streets.

I've been hanging drywall with my 12v milwaukee impact driver. It's the perfect tool for the job. Lightweight, speedy driving, and great precision when you slow it up.

I bought the 12v Milwaukee impact driver a few months back and... holy crap. How did I ever live without this tool. It's tiny, comes with a belt clip, and is a beast at driving screws. Drills are great and all, but you HAVE to own an impact driver.

Is that what the major difference is here? Because I could have sworn it was that he cut that burly ass beard off of his face...

So many folks with separate accounts. I'm surprised. We operate out of a single joint account and have since we were married (possibly before we were married... I can't remember). If one of us happens to do a side job or win at a poker game, then generally the money is ours to do with as we wish, but we usually just

I remember thinking some girls were pretty damned hot when I was a kid. I wanted to be their lover... I had no idea what that meant except for maybe like cuddling with our clothes on or holding hands.

"She had made 15 copies and sent them to everyone on the trip, and needless to say, I was the only one who had responded with a mix of my own. "

They were willing to pay a plating fee (which is a term I just made up that is sort of analogous with a corking fee). See... it can make sense if you just give these things names. Nevermind... these people are bat shit insane.

I hate it when the range isn't posted. Throw me a bone, people. I feel the same when I'm skimming craigslist and someone has something I really want, but with no price listed. I keep on skimming. It seems like a great way to insure that your candidate pool is filled with a good mix of desperate people, and folks that

You have an error in your article. Ed and Beth Ponkleberger are actually from Lower Stumpfuck, Virginia, not East Shitheel, Nebraska. Please do some fact checking next time.

I rolled my own from an ancient piece of crap PC. I scraped together all of my random drives and shoved them in the box. I'm using Ubuntu Server 14.04 (upgraded a few months ago from 12.04) and use NFS, UPNP, and SSH/SFTP to link everything together. I also run mythbackend on that box since there was plenty of spare

OH GAWD THE PRIVILEGE! ITS TOO MUCH! Listen white girl, if ya'll had been black, not only would your 5x7 not have been printed, but the cops would have been waiting for you when you went to go pick up your pictures. Nothing about this story is sane, but that quote is just over the top.

haha Rosa Parks... One more step and we'll be full Godwin! I honestly have no idea which side of the debate that particular comment was for... but ha HAHA HAHAHAHAhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHa