*Sample size = Brad's friends... so YMMV.
*Sample size = Brad's friends... so YMMV.
I was adding in the 12 steak's insane shipping cost and hoping for a good deal from a local farm.
Seriously! You can buy an entire QUARTER FUCKING COW for that price. No shit. A quarter of a damned cow.
Wouldn't it just be better to not be a dick?
No live streaming camera though. Boo :( Also only 5 minutes of flight time. For my money I would go with the UDI U816. It's 21 bucks and flies for nearly 10 minutes. http://www.amazon.com/UDI-Axis-Stabl…
Seriously. Corn friggin salsa is your attempt to make corn, as a filler, sound palatable. If I wanted crunchy tasteless nuggets wrapped in an inedible skin in my salsa I would just... what am I saying? NO. Blarfalgarphagleflag.
"Ally McBeal guest starRobert Downey, Jr." Ouch.
"I don't know 'bout the cat, but I sure am enjoyin' it."
God Damned Corn. If Tater Tots were mexican fair, like Taco John's thinks they are, then the addition of corn to this dish would qualify it for "Southwestern" food. Which is just another name for Mexican food with corn in it. Stop with the corn, people. It doesn't belong mixed into ANYTHING EVER FOR ANY REASON.
BBQ Friggin Tuna? This is a pretty close approximation to how I would describe the taste of vomit. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS!?
7/ It is highly doubtful that these men say "Good Evening" to people that they don't want to fuck. When I walk down the streets of NYC nobody says a goddamned thing to me. No one wants my 5 lives.
OMG! I LOVE the Freudian Typo Slip at the end of the dude's message. "Threat" instead of "Treat". Nailed it.
There's three groups of people that are affected by a destination wedding.
I would rather weed out the people that would get butthurt over being invited to my wedding because it's costly to attend. Better to know now that they are that self-centered. I'll keep the friends and family that A) Didn't attend because it was beyond their means or interest and are cool with it, and B) Did attend.…
Nah. That's not it. You want to have a ceremony but in a far off special place. You have to know going in that people that are very close to you (like your brother or mom) might not be able to swing the travel time and cost. You cross over into inconsiderate asswipe territory when you expect those people to attend,…
But.. it's not the destination wedding that makes the person an inconsiderate prick, it's the fact that they give you shit when you don't attend. If they weren't inconsiderate pricks they would have the destination wedding and would have been fine with you not attending.
I don't believe that any one has alleged that izzzy is a human being. They might be a talking horse or possibly an alien for all we know. I myself am a mushroom that will give you 5 lives and I would be quite offended if you insinuated that I am human.
Pretty sure that cis hetero white women do not benefit as much as cis hetero white men.