Look at all the studies that she cited though!
Look at all the studies that she cited though!
Tongue done well is a beautiful thing. If you ever have the opportunity, get the tongue at a Basque restaurant. It's amaziballs.
"I'm not sexist, I'm married to a woman"...
As long as it's the Danny Tanner version of Bob Saget, I'm cool with this eventuality.
You could probably get it down ok without incident, but if it's unexpected, I would imagine there would be some coughing and hacking involved, which might squirt some wasabi up into your sinuses. That would be reason for an ambulance ride.
*shudder* That is the most twisted thing I've read today. And I've read some awful things today.
That was my first thought. Replacing MRM with KKK and flipping everything else to show how ridiculous that statement is:
South Dakota sucks. Exhibit A: http://gizmodo.com/that-other-map…
Is reacting with impurities in water a bad thing? It doesn't sound bad.
Yay! It's fish flavored slime with bits of sand and broken shell in it! YUUUUUUUUuuummm...
OMG. I have a polish neighbor and she serves this all the time when we eat at their house. I had no idea what it was until I saw this picture. Damnit. I like Borschsccshcsht. So there.
Damnitalltohell! I was going to make the same joke, but apparently it's been... Taken Two.
Is it wrong that I kind of want to see this signed into law just to see the torrential shit storm it will cause. Just imagine major league sports players boycotting games held in Arizona. Turning your state into a lightning rod for bigotry is going to attract... bigots... seriously like the worst people in the world.…
DANGIT SCIENCE! Can I have nothing without you taking it back? Never mind, I love you. Come here and let me snuggle with you. It will be okay.
The mother is also, generally, the one from which children get their hair... Coincidence? I think not.
Instead of "Rape" why not use the word "Holocaust" like... "I holocausted the hell out of you the other night on Call of Duty." or "I hate that burger so much, Ima holocaust that shop." Seems like that might be trivializing the Holocaust when I say that, no?
I don't think that "Rape" is a word that one would want to take ownership of. It's a violent act out of which nothing good can occur. It's not like the word "Bitch" or "Nigger". Those you can take ownership of (assuming, of course, that you are the one being marginalized by it). Rape is a real thing and it's always a…
Same here. I'm 5'11 and hit 160lb after being above 200 for years. Friends and family kept asking me if I was sick. People are assholes. Honestly, I had never felt better, physically and mentally. Sometimes your weight goes up and sometimes it goes down.
Just because someone is slightly under the 'ideal' weight for…
You are right about the state of Copy Once and Copy Never on cable broadcasts outside of Windows Media Center. MythTV has limited support for some versions of DRM with the HD Home Run, but it's not 'Approved' by the powers that be. I forget about this since I don't subscribe to HBO or any Copy Once sources. Just out…
I would suggest grabbing a cheap computer to put MythTV backend on. You don't need much power here, so you could probably hack together enough processing power with a Raspberry Pi. If you want something that is more expandable and has more common components in it, there are some well priced "Next Unit Of Computing"…