
I've been using a HDHomeRun Prime with a MythTV backend and the MythTV PVR Xbmc plugin for nearly a year. LiveTV, with full DVR capabilities built directly into XBMC. Don't let people fool you into thinking that XBMC and LiveTV don't play nice together. Once you get it set up, you'll never back to your scraggly

I commented in another thread. I've been using the HDHomeRun Prime with a MythTV backend on a dedicated linux box. In XBMC you can use the MythTV PVR Plugin. It's 100% solid to the point that my wife and two boys use the media center full time for movies, livetv, and everything else I could find to stick in there.

I'm a VERY happy user of a linux XBMC set up with a HDHomeRun networked 3-tuner and Cable Card from Comcast. I use MythTv as a backend and the MythTV PVR plugin for XBMC. It's so solid that my wife, 6 year old, and 3 year old all use the media center in our living room as the main set up. With DLNA/UPnP the DVR

was invited to speak with a delightfully no-nonsense-almost-to-the-point-of-cranky breed advocate named Nancy Stines.

You guys are being awfully fece-tious.

Here too. I will not be dancing a the concert. I will not scream. I will not shriek. I may occasionally take a picture, but it's likely it will be backwards at the sea of colorfully lit up people behind me. I'm into it, but I will not be participating in the social frolicking. -An Introvert

My first was a headache at a restaurant. Terrible, uncontrollable, nightmarishly awful. My second, however, is a joy at restaurants. Always quiet, behaved, and fairly clean. Parenting in the situation is one thing, but often there is nothing you can do about it. Be kind to the wait staff, tip big when the kid makes a

Running a LAMP set up is fine, but then you need to have an idea for a website. If you don't, then why bother? I would suggest setting up a NAS using your Ubuntu Server set up. Get an old desktop, put Ubuntu Server on there, and get SAMBA and NFS working. Instant extra storage for your home. That's something everyone

My hair used to freeze waiting for the bus. Nose hair would freeze too. It's like having a nose full of sharp little stalagmites.

I love XBMC's PVR feature. I have a HDHomeRun Prime and multiple XBMC set ups around the house instead of Comcast butt-ugly boxes and their eye sore UI. It's definitely a more technical set up than Plex and friends, but it's worth it.

Melting chocolate, besides being called "melting chocolate" is also called "Candy Melts".. it's those great big chocolate chip looking things you can buy in the bakery aisle. Unfortunately their "Two and half box" measurement is confusing. I've never seen candy melts in a box, only a bag...

The last view of the speedometer showed the needle close to 200, which is 124mph. Given the number of cars the plowed through at the end, that seems about right.

Williams Sonoma is the pits. They only help you if you look white and older. In my experiences, if you are young or have dark skin, forget about it. You are beneath them. Also, I've only ever seen older white women with ugly necklaces and pandora gem bracelets working there. I hate that store.

When you get a subpoena from the government, you don't forge information unless you are looking to spend time in jail and pretty much ruin your life. You, instead, crap your pants, send the demand to your legal department, issue a records freeze, continue crapping your pants, pray, bargain with the government for more


I've had a pepporoni roll and it's the only thing I know of WV besides WV being the other state that has a "Charleston"... travelocity reminds me every time I book a trip down that way. Anyway, being a Chicago-area native, I loved it. Meat + prepared sausage meat = yum. Just needed some cheese.

This looks almost identical to my bag, except I would add a small umbrella and super glue . Plus, I would exchange the pen for a Pentel P207C mechanical pencil and switch to a graph ruled moleskin.

It's pronounced "Boise" though.

Hannah Montana. Just sayin'

I thought it was great. It sounded like it was written by a real human instead of a corporation where the message was passed through two VP's, a legal consultant, and approval from a CEO before being sent. Ick. My only complaint is that they didn't send it sooner.