Coati Tuesday

I’m hoping this matches up with that Marvel short, Hail to the King - where Trevor, the actor playing the Mandarin, is being interviewed in prison and... it turns out there IS a Mandarin, and he’s pissed off.

Shang-Chi is one of my favorite Marvel characters, so yeah, I’m gonna watch this. Casting looks completely great, and the story? Well, in comics Shang-Chi was the son of Fu Manchu, worked with British Intelligence, fought Spider-man, got in a cab driven by Rufus T. Hackstabber... there’s a ton of leeway in what the

Not trying to dismiss this claim -if it turned out to be true it would sadden and disgust me but not surprise me... but it seems near impossible to prove.

I rode a jet ski once. Rented it, took it out on the lake, had a fine time. BUT...at the end of the hour, the rental guys were a bit dismissive, because I hadn’t used much gas.  I hadn’t, I guess, been the jet ski badass I was supposed to be.  Looking back, I realize I should have at least raked a manatee or two.  I

If the character Paul Rudd is playing and Brian Wilson’s shrink, Eugene Landy, went to the same psychiatrist school, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I had thought this was going to be a laugh a minute Animal House style movie, and it just wasn’t - for me. Humor is subjective as all hell. The only bit I remember, and can smile about just thinking about it, is when Stiller and Diaz arrive somewhere in their car, and he realizes he’s left the dog (which is in a body

... now you’ve got me worried that there’s a vault somewhere with the Rogan Cut of Newsradio...

Well. I’ll see this when I get a chance. Sometimes it’s fine just to hear other artists talk about how much they admire another artist, so what the heck.

Hey, cool thing to hear about, that Josh Logain play, which I never heard of. Not much chance I’ll ever see it, but I’m sure I can get ahold of it in print. Thanks for the heads-up!

live action Alice film in 1933

producing an oeuvre of some of the most lukewarm blues rock imaginable

Any film would be better with Rowan Atkinson in it.

He honestly believes she’s an incredible talent and he’s lucky to have her in his life, even when she’s behaving like a spoiled child, a drama queen, or a conceited jerk.

Well, yeah, ‘cause I’m not really a TMNT fan.  I don’t mind them at all; I think they’re fun.  I just want the Daredevil tie-in, as God intended.

His novels are really funny. I mean, laugh-out-loud funny. They used to be hard to find (I think only sold on his site?) but now you can get them on amazon and some are even Kindle-available.  Well worth whatever he’s charging.

This is hands down the best Pink Panther movie. Why?  Elke Sommer, George Sanders, Bert Kwouk and Herbert Lom (before those last two had let their characters devolve into caricature).

Holy smokes, I never heard of this movie, or if I did I sure didn’t know it was an adaptation of that story. Might be worth a look. If you can’t have Veronica Lake, as the original movie did, you might as well have this cast.

I’m the same way - I listen to All Hail Marx and Lenin, of Don’t Crush That Dwarf,  and am amazing to hear things that I swear were not there the first.... you know, hundred times I listened..

(.... also - NO ONE seems to have heard of Duck’s Breath Mystery Theatre.....)

I just read somewhere that William Jackson Harper (Chidi from The Good Place) is narrating a Black Panther book or something, and I misread and thought the MCU had cast him as T’Challa somehow.