
Oh, for sure. It’s just that Adams can’t do anything but what he does (although his post game really improved last season). 

No way that works out, philosophically. For Pop, he’d be like Stephen Jackson, only with the ball all the time.

I don’t want to insult Russ by comparing his contract to Sam Bradford, because he is a totally unique player (for bad and a lot of good), and when he signed his extension, I’m not sure what other choice OKC had coming out of the Durant thaw...but it’s a stupid deal. Not so much the money, but the duration. He’s the

See now, something like this has merit, I think. 

Eh...he’s sixth all-time in assist percentage and a huge chunk of his assists have been on lobs and pick and rolls to Steven Adams. I would think that makes it fairly appealing, given Zion’s offensive game. Plus, he’s still a terror on the break.

I’m here for it!

I’m seeing a bunch of stuff on Twitter about how they’ll trade Russ. But how? His contract goes up to $40 million next year. Who’s he going to make better that has enough cap space to afford him? I guess the Knicks do, but they don’t have enough salary to send back to make it work. Same goes for the Lakers (which

Is it OK to just say that the flag is pretty ugly, anyway, and why would I want to wear it?

It’s also challenging for Graves, who can’t quite go at Renee the way he can Saxton. Even that’s getting stale, but Graves remains one of the best things about WWE TV, so they should get out of his way as much as possible.

Help me out here: By reading/processing this exchange between two terrible media personalities, do we all win or do we all lose?

I don’t want him assassinated. I just want him to die as a consequence of all the garbage he’s ingested. May it happen soon. 

I think that’s got to be Roman, which would be really good for everyone. A) It keeps Reigns away from a title chase for a while, B) It pays off the investment in Firefly Funhouse by creating a main event run, and C) It gives Wyatt a chance to call some really good matches that take advantage of Roman’s (few) in-ring

Jaded Old Smarks in jaded old scarves.

They still have a lot of work to do, even if they wind up keeping some of the dumb shit that makes them a categorically different product than AEW, which I guess is using unprotected chair shots again!

But that’s the same flag that we used when gay marriage, interracial marriage, and abortion were all illegal. So...

Takes a while for brands to erode, most of the time.

“But it is clear that his fact-checking process is not some sort of neutral assessment of reality—nor could it ever be—and that presenting this sort of drivel as the last word on objective truth is absurd.”

Two of them definitely do, and it’s the least-valued position in basketball now. 

Randle’s really good. Very efficient offensive player now and a solid rebounder. Bad defender, but since there are only a handful of quality interior 4s now, that doesn’t mean what it used to.
