
Lucifer you to say.

Alan Parsons Project: “Games People Play”

With apologies to Giannis, this is the dunk of the year.

“He has done it for a long time.” That’s true. I myself remember Mayock’s breakout role, supporting Bill Bellamy in Def Jam’s How to Evaluate a Player.

Is it worth a joke (and a good one, at that) to ever say Colin Cowherd was right about something? It’s a vexing question to be sure. 

“Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did.”

Minority women, and minorities in general, know nothing about the blues. I think that’s fair to say.

Scrabble is the ultimate for me. A game of skill from beginning to end and it requires a lot more than a good vocabulary to really know what you’re doing. I’ve played variations with friends, where we invent our own rules (no words under five letters, no nouns), and it really gets competitive. 

Scrabble is the ultimate for me. A game of skill from beginning to end and it requires a lot more than a good

“I’m excited,” Rivers told reporters. “Seattle, Las Vegas -- I’m ready to trip and fall over myself wherever the team goes next!”

And to think, Albert Brooks was thisclose to owning the Phoenix Suns tonight.

You think that’s something? Wait’ll he gets his Hanes on you.

You’re correct. It must have just seemed that way. He’s at 66 percent there. But everywhere else on the floor, he shoots below 39 percent. That’s not great when those other spots on the floor are 59 percent of his shots.

I’ll help him pack.

Oh, I just meant the only thing he’s good at offensively is putting pressure on a transition defense. But yeah, he’s an ace at stealing boards, and also just at timing them. He gets hell for it, but last year they had the highest offensive rating in the NBA on possessions that began with a Westbrook rebound because it

I don’t know if it’s true and I sure don’t know if it’s on Google, but I heard that Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) eats his own jism.

They got so much value out of that, and still have $10 million in trade exceptions because of it. 

Billy Donovan has talked for years about the sort of team he wants, one built around long athletes who outwork and overwhelm their opponents.

“You can’t get tomatoes this fresh just anywhere. Only here at this farmer’s market or the garden.”

I was wondering what I could do with that $120,000 I found in last winter’s coat pocket...