
His dad just enrolled him in the same school as Scottie Pippen’s son and Kenyon Martin’s son, so get ready Lakers fans!

I think less government regulation on foodstuffs is the clear and appropriate answer here.

This is exceedingly good news for the Raptors, then, because I heard a rumor that LeBron’s girlfriend lives in Canada. You wouldn’t know her.

Wow, and that’s what the least-talented member of the SNL cast can accomplish...

I’m sure Ted Cruz has tried to blast himself in the face just to see what it was like.

Eating an asshole is a hug now? I feel like I’ve jumped ahead a few years.

Well, that’s certainly more intimate than a hug.

+1 return policy

Wait...you get paid to post?

Couldn’t hurt.

I wish I had the energy now that George Soros has in his late 80s. That man is so busy planning bus routes for illegal immigrants to raid voting booths, training crisis actors like David Hogg, and now running sport blogs, I don’t know how he finds time to pimp underage sex slaves to Bill Clinton.

I don’t believe otherwise, nor did I say that. However, there has to be something coming back. The Spurs aren’t allowed to simply jettison $17 million to some third-rate team. You can’t acquire a contract for more than 125 percent of your own assets in a trade. In other words, if someone took on Gasol’s contract,

Very true. I don’t think, from what I’ve read, it’s about endorsements for LeBron. It’s about setting up a post-NBA career with connections to media and industry. Not like he’d really need a long introduction to that if he went in cold, but I get the thinking that San Antonio may not be the best spot to be a mogul.

They can’t opt in and take less. They can opt in and take the salary already in the contract, which is a problem. The cap next year is $101 million. Without Gay and Green, San Antonio’s at $80 million. With them, they’re at $98 million. And if they opt out to resign, they run the very legitimate risk of not getting a

Nope. Pau’s on a three-year deal. According to the CBA, only contracts that are four years in length or longer can be renegotiated. And if they released him, they couldn’t then bring him right back.

I mean, it’s not as easy as just signing LeBron, though. They have to hope that Rudy Gay and Danny Green believe they can make money on the open market and don’t opt-in (we’ll know by the 24th), and they have to do something with Pau Gasol’s contract. Who wants to pay a 37-year-old center $17 million this year and $16

Spurs make a lot of sense to me. Great coach and organization, and if they bring Kawhi around, wow. They won 47 without Leonard. Imagine that with both of those guys.

I surrender to the greatness of this comment.

On the plus side, he’s got a presidential pardon on the way.