
Oh, that’s what it is. I always thought Louie was speaking Homespun Fuckwit. Makes so much more sense now.

I can’t help but think Wendi Richter was behind this screwjob...

We know they mated with humans because analysis of their phone records indicate Denisovians got a slew of texts timestamped around 3:30 a.m. asking, “U up?”

Sure, he can tweet. Should he wait until after he takes a sec to meet students who want to discuss school safety?

If he’s in doubt, I think it falls somewhere between priorities and optics. Is it important? Does it look important? If the answer is yes to either, probably shouldn’t fanboy up the Honey Badger.

+1 training montage

I wonder what the decisions were like on helmet placement, other than shitty. I get the Eagles and Pats up front but Dallas — still I guess the most valuable franchise in football— is laughably tucked in the very back of the table.

I don’t know for sure, but probably money.

I’d still prefer a higher release on that shot, so long as they’re remaking him from scratch.

I don’t know why this even needs a name. There’s no analogue for Andre the Giant, anyway. Also, did Moolah win a lot of women’s battle royals? Can’t the women have something that isn’t just a XX chromosome version of something the guys are doing?

Congratulations Mandy Rose on winning being the first woman eliminated from the Fabulous Moolah Battle Royal! your genetics. 

Shaq: “Also put cheese around and inside everything.”

Man, this is really gonna hit Mexico in the ol’ pocketbook.

“OK, this guy can kiss my ass, too.”

I wonder if this is the work of the same mentalist?

Which lasted longer: The chug or the kiss?

“Cool. So now I know how to perfectly defend that one.”

One second in: “Oh, this is gonna be easy.”

That’s pretty much every video I’ve seen this year of a guy wearing a Hawks jersey.