
Weird that both Hilary Swank and Sarah Jessica Parker were unavailable to host.

The tree doesn’t sprout far from the acorn.

Very surprised he’s taking on the expense himself. Not at all surprised he’s prioritizing streaming. More than anything, that’s what those services need — live events. It would take the NFL another round of rights talks to get that much further than it is now, I think, so on that front it makes a lot of sense.

Anyone is free to believe any of that garbage, out themselves as morons, and pay the consequences for it. They don’t need to get their opinions approved by Serena Williams — who espouses some pretty stupid ideology herself— on behalf of society.

Incredible. +35


Ha! Yes, different side of the same coin, for sure.

I’m not sure where you get the idea that anyone is owed anything because they’re offended. “Society” doesn’t demand apologies, because society is not a single-minded monolith.

So less an apology and more of a coercion, then?

He wouldn’t be the first person to cross those particular wires.

I think everyone is judging him, right? There’s no issue with that, just as there’s no issue with him having and expressing some beliefs most of us would find wholly objectionable. That still doesn’t mean he needs to apologize for it, which was my original comment.

Cool. Well, when our laws are based on some shared, ambiguous morality, you let us all know.

Well, that’s his decision to make, I suppose. But there’s not, and there shouldn’t be, some sort of Hurt Police that make people behave a certain way.

Yes, actually. Why is he obliged to apologize? What force compels him to see the error in his ways?

This is also true. Yes, if you’re a public figure and you post shit for the world to see on social media, the world can very much ask you what’s behind that.

There aren’t gray areas. That’s the point. Be offended all you want. People have the right to hold hateful, hurtful views and they don’t owe anyone an apology for them. I don’t have to defend Sandgren’s beliefs, just his right to hold them.

If my Twitter feed contained a link to Mein Kampf, available through Amazon and full of some of the most hateful rhetoric the world has ever seen, and certainly among the most hateful the world has ever purchased in mass quantities, and in so doing violated none of Twitter’s content regulations, would I need to

To me, there’s no point shutting down the government. Ever. But while you’re worried about the intricacies of some irrational blame narrative, Chuck Schumer — who has no leverage here, by the way — continues to look ineffective and weak for negotiating with people who will lie to move their agenda forward. The worst

It doesn’t need to make him admirable. It can very well confirm stupidity. But saying someone needs to apologize invites some moral arbiter into everyone’s beliefs, which is an even more sickening thought than what this nutjob retweets.