
I’m not positive, but I don’t believe being “reduced to hanging out with like minded idiots” in any way prevents Tennys from believing Pizzagate happened, or having the right to believe it did.

Yeah, more or less. Should Serena Williams be made to apologize for being a Jehovah’s Witness?

Then you’re questioning his right to hold and express his beliefs. And what is the line, exactly, for “hateful or hurtful?” According to whom or what standard?

What good is shutting down the government? What good is pointing to the broken promise of a man who’s been doing that very thing successfully for a decade with no repercussions? It’s a stupid political game that fills the void the Democrats have created for themselves by not having solutions and hoping people just

He has the right to be a hateful idiot and doesn’t owe anyone an apology for it.

That’s still stupid.

Or, you know, “interviews.”

If you’re negotiating with someone and they say, “I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today,” don’t give them the hamburger. Chuck got rolled. He may think, long game, that if McConnell doesn’t keep his word there will be mid-term consequences, which suggests he doesn’t follow this stuff very closely.

Durant sure has been complaining a lot this year. I guess that’s what happens when things don’t go your way.

The one time I drove a Model S, its owner encouraged me to try the autopilot and just kind of hover my hands over the wheel so that I could take back control if I needed to.

You’ve...been in the matrix?

“We try to have several eyes look upon it to make sure we don’t have situations like this happen.”

In order: Never say never, yes, no, that’s what I’m led to believe.

My only issue with that is they haven’t made Shinsuke look all that strong to this point. He won a lot early on, but particularly here over the past couple months, he’s not been a pivotal figure.

I honestly don’t think he’ll ever fully recover from that Cena promo. It’s like Fingerpoke of Doom bad. Yeah, they’ll book him how they want to book him but no matter what he’ll be a guy who was rightly and convincingly trucked by a much better version of himself.

Seth Rollins was set back two years by that reunion. And he’s the best guy of the three, so way to go! I think Ambrose is kind of spent at this point, so it makes sense for him, and it did in the short term for Roman, who was just not winning people over. He’s had a good year as a performer; I wish they’d just let it

He’s got a few problems as a WWE performer. I don’t think they’ll ever get past his inability to do in-ring promos. The backstage stuff is more easily controlled, but he’s going to be a disaster if they need him to talk in the ring on TV. And if he doesn’t talk at all, that’s limiting, too (for a WWE performer).

I’d heard that. Hope it’s true, because Nakamura is so talented. But man, do they not know what to do with that guy. And he’s nowhere near the performer he can be. Another match with A.J. would be great, and I guess that would make bringing him over worth it. It hasn’t been very memorable to this point, outside of

I think that’s about right, fourth or fifth. I think KD is underselling Capella for other things (rebounding and blocks) to roughly the same degree Capella is overselling Houston’s place in the world. Still, they took two of three from the Warriors this year and probably have the only halfway legitimate argument to

He had better hair plugs when he was a teenager.