
Yeah, I go all the way back to house shows. And armories, and the WWF announcing Jimmy Snuka and Salvatore Bellomo coming to the Jaffa Mosque in Altoona, PA. That was always my favorite promo when I was a kid. It was evidently Michael Hayes’s idea to take this Greensboro show and brand it as Starrcade. No reason not

All true. It just seems a little rushed, given all the other talent they’re not using.

Yeah, it was a great feud. Both guys got over and they had some really fun matches to watch. You may be right about Braun’s relevance, although right now I don’t think he needs a belt. He’s as over as anyone’s been since Daniel Bryan, but there will come a time when that slips. Using Jinder as the example, can they

Held it in the same venue in Greensboro. Pretty good show, by most accounts, but just a house show with a slightly better card. Could have really tried to do something on the network with it, but nope.

I think Reigns is about where he needs to be long-term. His best matches are those demolition derbies with guys like Strowman and Joe, and I’ve always maintained that he’s really good at selling offense (until he needs to win). There’s definitely a place for him on the card, but there’s nothing organic about his

Does this help or hurt his chances at G re-certification?

I think he’s fine. Like Big Cass. I don’t really see loads of untapped potential in either one.

I guess. But then, this is the same company that didn’t try to further monetize Starrcade a few months ago...

Agree all around. I know I’m not alone when I say I don’t think Reigns can carry the company, but I don’t think Reigns can carry the company.

I don’t know why they didn’t, honestly. The Barclays crowd was really hot; imagine how good they would have been in a much smaller venue.

Almost none of it worked. I did like the ending of the Miz/Reigns match, except I guess this means Roman wins the Rumble now? I mean, who wouldn’t want to see that, right?!

1. The ICOPRO banner at the Manhattan Center

“May God one day grant us all the self-assurance necessary to do whatever the real-life equivalent of joining a 73-win team is, and then proceed to lecture people about not working hard enough.”

He also shot a guy once, but it was evidently in self-defense. Didn’t kill him, though. Or at least, not until that guy became a regular drive-thru customer.

...so, does this mean he won’t be reprising his famous role of Harvey Wippleman on the Raw 25th anniversary show tonight?

“Does this mean I’m going in?”

Why did he say he listened to the victims’ stories, then? I mean, you evidently have his Outlook calendar in front of you...

I think a better question is, Did you just learn through this interaction that universities have media officers and communication strategies?

Universities the size of Michigan State has central offices of media relations, and they’re all systems go on anything that would reflect poorly on the university, so a student suicide, police blotter stuff, etc. It’s part of what they do.

Oh, no, it was a capitulation. It’s just that the issue is significantly more complex than DACA > all other government functions.