
Ah. So drops in game attendance, brand perception, and ratings are healthy signs. Got it!

They’re big fans of each other. Jerruh loved having WrestleMania at his house.

I think you mean NXTFL.

There is, at least, a window here. For starters, the NFL is as unpopular as it’s ever been. Still the unquestioned king of sports in the U.S., but flagging (pardon the pun) in public perception and probably (somewhat) in rankings. Vince is also ahead of the game with streaming. That’s nearly a third of WWE revenue

They can’t feel pain? Why don’t they just read political Twitter for a while?

Doesn’t he look like a guy who really should have had his ass kicked for crashing a frat party, but left just in time?

My father had a terrible alcohol problem, and thanks for asking. Tried to drink away Vietnam. Did that from 1972 until about 2013. His drinking ruined my brother for a very long time, ruined his marriage to my mother, lost him at least one job, created a huge gulf between me and him that never got filled, and made him

+1 thoughtful gift from one co-worker to another

“That’s some really bad defense.”

Jesus. If that’s Innocent, I don’t want to see Guilty.

There is not. I saw the first movie when I was still a film critic part-time, but haven’t ventured back into later chapters of what we’ll always remember as Dakota Johnson’s finest work.

Would support.

I understand that, although I still find the use of “mess up” flippant in this context. If your landscaper knocked on your door after cutting down your trees for the fourth time, you would not buy the argument that he “messed up.” At a certain point, it’s malicious or incompetent or both and not just a mistake that

I have not said you dismissed what he did because you’re a Christian. I’ve said that you’re dismissing it because you said, “being a Christian doesn’t mean not making mistakes. Each of us is on a journey and we’re all going to mess up along the way.” I don’t see this as something you mess up. I see this as something

I think that’s being a little reductive and dismissive of what he really did. Again, he didn’t do it accidentally, he didn’t mean to do something else, and he wasn’t mistaken. It was purposeful, again and again. At least some of it even required planning. It’s a “mistake” only in the sense that Heath was wrong to do

Repeatedly sending nude pictures and propositioning a co-worker to have sex is not a “mistake” or even a series of mistakes. It’s a pattern of conduct, designed to either make her really uncomfortable or help him blow his load. It’s not something anyone should do to an unwilling recipient, regardless of whether

Trump: /gets confirmation that it was, in fact, at least 7,000 Big Macs ago

Ah, the sin of hubris hath been committed, as well...

Well, at least I’m not ignorant of blatant sarcasm.

Thanks for the lesson. But it’s not valid to be upset at someone for being a charlatan? Au contraire...