
This is excellent internet commentary.

Obviously, South Korea will be on the map in a few months. I’m joking there. But it’s a mistake to think of the North as bumbling idiots or non-threatening. There’s some great background on the history, particularly the political and cultural history, of North Korea in Victor Cha’s The Impossible State. 

Mind. Blown.

Looks like a certain Bay Area franchise just got...

I can’t wait for this guy’s sentenzen.

I don’t think so, but then, it’s a pretty common name.

Definitely. It was only about $24, so that was easily worth it.

No worries. I step on other people’s comments constantly.

Aside: I recently convinced an obviously gullible co-worker from Iowa that I was from “Rapids Falls” in the same state. At first she didn’t believe me, but then I wore a very generic shirt I had the internet make for me that said “Rapids Falls, Iowa 2018 XL” and she believed it.

You’re assuming South Korea will still be on the map in a couple months...

He’s playing it cool in the post-game pressers, but you can just tell he’s really pulling his hair out over these ejections. Slowly but surely, with the dedication of a monk.

+1 EU callback

The worst part of that is they got the wrong guy. The culprit turned out to be Rodney Stanger.

“Someone’s finger was a little slow on the button.”

This raises the question — assuredly addressed in other forums — of the best item on each fast food menu, or to get the best (X), go here. So you could rank menu items by location, or give the top among each item across the industry.

“Man, he really made that W disappear. It’s good to know someone who can dispose of things that quickly.”

I agree with him about the I Quit match. That’s unwatchable. But, if Meltzer puts any thought toward intangibles into those ratings, Hell in a Cell with Foley and Taker is one of the landmark matches in the history of the business. It’s inarguable. There were crazier matches, so it’s not just the two bumps. It’s

WWE has, what, 50 male performers on the main roster? One of the big arguments you hear from guys like Ole Anderson, who — even though he’s an angry lunatic — has a point: There used to be hundreds of guys who made their living wrestling in the U.S. Just consider the main territories in the early ’80s. Between

Loving that 6...