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    Yikes. Thanks for sharing this. I was very excited and I’m glad I wandered into the greys to read more.

    Regardless of whether I decide I want to mold young minds or not (the bureaucracy and underappreciation are a turnoff), I end up at Wandmaker. I am skilled at creeping people out. And creeping on people...dammit.

    This is very timely! I just asked someone for help summarizing miscellaneous volunteer activities. The areas are very different but the skills/tasks are the same.

    Wow, I meant detection of trackers, not reminders.

    So, comparing the free service to Google Inbox,

    Ha, I have to skip Hogwarts’ March. The rest I don’t recognize as much.

    The 2 rule means I’d have to work in the early evening while mentally exhausted from working all day (student).

    I really appreciate your advice to ignore things. I really only started doing so in the past year, and it’s been awesome.

    Yes/no on giving (vague/general) reason for being late in an email warning someone that you will be late? Often, it’s while I’m on public transportation, so it’s not like I would have been using that time more effectively to get to the meeting.

    Of course. Thanks!

    Ha! I shall not descend into the madness that is the world of Crossfit. They use words in ways I do not recognize.

    This sounds delicious, but I’m supposed to be watching my sugar intake :(

    Does anyone know how to make VLOOKUP work with partial matches that aren’t necessarily the start of the string? My search strings are fully contained in the cell I’m starting with, but they may not match the entire cell contents.

    With this and cloud to butt, my day is made. Happy little butts!

    22. My mom has an interest in teaching people personal finance, so she instructed me. Not even “real job” money but the part of the grad school stipend from TAing.

    So, has anyone used it? I guess it’s only been a few days but I’m curious if it works. I don’t want to cancel my Comcast right now, but I might want to in the future.

    Or you could end up buying a lot more non-perishable goods than you normally would, because you’re “saving” money. I buy more things because they’re on sale than I should, and this seems like it would feed that :/ I’ve started counting the number of items I purchase to get around this (budgets are useful only if I