
I don’t know how to do gifs and emojis. But I’ll just type blank face and leave

*blank face*

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

User: I like free things.

On the surface, it’s just another alternate-history take. Okay, yeah, from a disassociated intellectual standpoint, no problem. But, well, context is kind of important. Lots of comparisons to Man in the High Castle, which makes sense, again, disassociated intellectually.

You’re not getting it.

Nice freshman comp essay, though a tad unoriginal. Most of us are past that now, though. Women have the right to control their own bodies and make their own moral and ethical decisions about how to do so. They don’t need your two-bit moralizing about compromise. End of story.

You, a pro-lifer, have stumbled across a website that is pro-choice.

This is vitals, it’s a health and medicine site, not lifehacker.

In an Aroma rice cooker: Three rice-cups of brown rice. Fill with water to the four line.

1.5 to 1, not 2-1. Cooks Illustrated speculated that the 2-1 recipe on the bags intentionally adds too much water to prevent people from burning it.

I’m with you. I also think telephones are cheating, in general. If it’s not a conversation I can have face-to-face, it’s not worth having. And don’t get me started on airplanes, boats, cars or travel by rail. If I want to get there faster, I’ll run. No, I think we can both agree that anything that makes life easier or

The Taco Bourgeois must have bought them all to prevent the Proletariat Tacos from organizing.

The Taco Bourgeois must have bought them all to prevent the Proletariat Tacos from organizing.

just another symptom of an elitist pathological disorder

That’s exactly why Google didn’t want to change the search results. But, my friend, denying the holocaust is not quite the same as meat being “offensive” to vegans.

Art by Blule, in case anyone was looking for the source.

So went from story of man’s isolation to a horror story pretending to be rom com about a woman who is trapped on a ship by a stalker who doomed her die with him.

The university cannot share the information publicly due to FERPA. They conducted an investigation per their internal process and came to a decision. To claim they have not had due process is a red herring intended to distract from the fact that they were found responsible for sexual assault.

Not to overly praise a schools ability to investigate potential crimes, but I would like to believe that if they are recommending expelling five athletes and suspending four others, they would have a pretty solid reason to do so.

Sure - because I find people like you annoying. The comments here exist to foster a community. Trolls like yourself take up space without adding anything valuable to that community.