
Could be total BS but I once heard a story from a friend in the Air Force. Said he heard that a Russian bear crew used to keep a small portable BBQ onboard to cook on. I like to believe it’s true and from the amount of I love Russia fail videos I watch on YouTube it’s not outside the realm of possibility.

On wet pavement you could do ridiculous long one tire fire burnouts with these. But man they were slow as shit.

This is embarrassing, Toyota is becoming more boring and corporate as the years pass. GM of the 90s.

40 something’s who also train for tri at the local swimming pool and have their road bikes strapped to the roof.

My father in law had an early 90s Corsica I believe sport model with 300,000kms on it when he sold it. Guy drove the damn thing another 3/4 years after he sold it to him in late 90s when father in law upgraded to an Intrepid. Another shit box in his long list of boring cars school vice principals drive. Let me add to

I hope this isn’t the plant that melts down wheels and then casts those hideous bro rims that are black and have a star or crown or some shitty emblem on the centre cap.

I was once in a mid 90s Caprice taxi, owned by a friends dad since new. At 450,000 kms he out a new base pan on it. Last time I saw the odometer it had 650,000kms. The man took care of it too and cleaned and babied it. Other than brakes, he swore by regular oil changed and grease jobs. He also never drove like an

Russia is so damn cold they don’t even need radiators, just run everything air cooled. From an impoverished manufacturing perspective this is brilliant, no rad, no hoses, saves manufacturing time/cost. No heat but who cares when everyone is tanked on vodka.

Chevy traverse in beige or silver

So let’s just say I swamp one of these up to the seat. Will I get fried, or ruin the motor/electronics?

Harley Davidson. The t shirt company that makes motorcycles.

Whatever you do don’t buy one from the rust belt. These things rot out faster than 80s Toyota chrome bumpers. They’re cheap as dirt up here.

I’m just gonna grab my jack off rag and watch that girl on girl scene over and over, see what happens.

Thing is guys like that are a dime a dozen here. Minus the shitty denim. I know tons of guys that keep a beater sled or dirt bike. When conditions aren’t great you don’t want to risk bashing up a $15,000 machine but a pos snowmobile from the 80s that’s worth $150 is no loss if you break the ski off or put it through

This sounds strangely like a set up for another Iron Eagle movie, old tech required, old pilots come out of retirement with their surplus planes and kick ass. I’d watch.

There’s a few cases before the courts of sex assault in St. John’s too by a cabbie and no surprise he also had a name not from around here.

More antannae on it than an air traffic control tower

Saw à square Caprice Limo once. You know you’ve arrived when you get dropped off to your wedding in a 1989 square body Caprice limo with a stupid transmission tunnel the size of a road culvert.

I once saw a dude doing donuts on a frozen pond in an awd tercel. It was terrific.