Yeah, but the Tahoe is the one I would buy. I mean, I don’t want a track focused off roader. I want a faster, more powerful truck to haul family/boat/ass in that order. There is certainly room in this world for both types of buyers:
Yeah, but the Tahoe is the one I would buy. I mean, I don’t want a track focused off roader. I want a faster, more powerful truck to haul family/boat/ass in that order. There is certainly room in this world for both types of buyers:
Agreed. Those wheels are awful.
I was thinking Kia Soul...
At this point its like whatever too me. They teased us for too long. I would have rather had an all new Challanger than this. This is the equivalent of an old guy thinking he’s cool because he lost weight and got a leather jacket and some shades.
On the side of the road with head gasket issues.
I shudder to even say this, but what about a Venza? Less common, but still brutally anonymous, and says nothing but “retiree.” Plus more space for gear, and you can get AWD for four-season capability.
Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.
You shouldn’t insult the perfectly fine people who like to suck cocks.
Which is a completely useless federal expense and a good place to start cutting. You don’t see the army , inspecting pickup trucks on the interstate, do you?
Congrats, until this election, not only did I not have any interest in politics, I also did not know what party I would affiliate with.
Don’t hold your breath. Remember, this is liber-Gawk. So,
Standard Trump bashing procedure. I dare you to write an article where you don’t talk shit about Trump. Everything on Jalopnik is just one long Trump joke. Didn’t see the same for Obama. You guys are still kissing his fucking ass. Please ditch your obvious political bias, as commentary, some of us like actual stories…