
It would be funny if Threads developed a way to import tweets and followers from Twitter.

I used Shift for three years because I need to easily access email from four Gmail accounts without having to constantly log in and out of accounts and I like the Gmail interface and plugins. Then Shift raised the price of an annual subscription by 50%, so I switched to Rambox and I really like it.

It looks like Don Draper had one too many Old Fashionds on his flight back to New York.

This is what the inside of a cockpit looks like to me.

“You are reaching a sad realization. Cancel or allow?”

For Celsius, I use a poem:

I am currently finishing up a vacation, so I am a bit sensitive to this one, especially since I was making a point out of not checking email at all and got a text message expecting a reply to an email I had not yet gotten to.

I had and experience that made me look like the guy in the photo at the top of this article:

This was helpful to me. Thank you. One aspect of people-pleasing that affects me is that I tend to overpromise in the moment, which just ends up screwing a future iteration of myself. 

The other night, my wife and I were talking about this, and we decided to conduct an experiment to discuss at length a product we never use: Bayer Aspirin. We talked about it for about ten minutes, constantly mentioning Bayer aspirin. It took about three or four days before I got an advertisement for Bayer Aspirin on

Wes, you magnificent bastard, you deserve props for the Cannonball Run reference. Well played. 

Wes, you magnificent bastard, you deserve props for the Cannonball Run reference. Well played. 

For a second there, I thought you were writing about Morrissey. 

I had the IBM 701C with the butterfly keyboard. It came with Windows 3 and OS2/Warp  It was my first laptop and got me through grad school. I loved it.

Back, and to the left…

This was a helpful article. I learned some things I did not know. 

God bless you, Terrell, in your grief and with thanksgiving for this wonderful reflection. It was a blessing to have read it. 

I have to admit that I am jealous. I get why mechanical keyboards are awesome, but I am not a great typist to begin with and a mechanical keyboard just makes me worse.

I have to admit that I am jealous. I get why mechanical keyboards are awesome, but I am not a great typist to begin

And then you waffle it!

Honestly, the more time I spend with your writing, Claire, the more I think it is possible that you know me. All hail the Everything Bagel!

I believe it is Tampa Bay playing Kansas City, not Buffalo.