
“How dare you break wind before me?!”

According to Oprah, Dean runs an asphalt-paving company, which she probably doesn’t watch him do either.

They were number 11. Obviously.

Thar it is.

the kind of people who are going out to eat right now are the kind of people who need to read this but never will

You had me at “haven’t found what I’m looking for.”

You had me at “haven’t found what I’m looking for.”

I counted those to make sure there were the right number. :D

I think you mean, Sha la la la la la la la la la la te da

I know it’s not perfect, but I still think Michael Pollan’s “Eat real food, not too much, and mostly plants,” is about as good as it gets for simple dietary advice, particularly for people currently eating a typical American diet.

Long live the 2011-2012 MBP!!!

The Notch is a huge nothingburger, just something for people to complain about. As much as I like the look and feel of my 11 Pro, I still think the 5 was the best designed iPhone, aesthetically.

If there isn’t an immediate open function to launch a “powder your nose” app, someone fucked up.

The rally is over, no violence reported. Womp, womp!

Now that I’ve read the post, I’m disappointed. I thought it was so the drivers could keep their eyes on the track.

Though I have to wonder how many ancient Jedi died due to power chord malfunctions.

I just want to be able to effing sort my emails

This is the kind of news I need, that we all need.

Came into the comments solely for this image; was not disappointed...

Can you imagine trying to catch the bouquet with those tiny arms? No wonder they died out

Couldn’t hurt! But you’d be doubly in need of getting up for a good stretch if you’re on a ten hour flight after a hard workout :)