Are these things mutually exclusive?
Are these things mutually exclusive?
I feel bad for you, I guess I am lucky, where I live will be in the 70's with low humidity.
This is great news. Seems like most desktop operating systems will default to this price range now.
Yo dawg
Hey Cesp, what do you think of this lock?
Well did any celebrities actually retweet?
When I originally clicked it said comment not in discussion. It was prob a bug. I see it just fine now.
I have an even better idea, lets stop posting cartoons from The Oatmeal and actually write some tech news.
This is not true Jesus, please site your source.
Hey Jesus, I will be visiting New York soon and I was wondering if we could have lunch together, my treat because I want to throw a pie in your face :)
Amazing related article
I would love to hit that
Good points all they way
And if your leaving so am I...
Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click, Click,
Epic moment at Audiotistic 2011 in So Cal
Another good example