Um why would you respond to a post that is 3 years old? Especially when no one will approve it?
Um why would you respond to a post that is 3 years old? Especially when no one will approve it?
Holy cow, I did not know this!!! This would have saved me hours many times over
Who would have thought that starred commenters would be coming back!
I agree, I currently pay $1,800 PITI for a mortgage in Los Angeles. I got a killer deal on the property and the best interest rate I will probably have in my life. 3 bed 2 bath with a decent sized yard.
Well I am right and you are wrong so there!
I know this is years later but how is your marriage going?
Not true, you can use GPS while driving. Even if the GPS is on your phone.
It's even worse now
So its just a paperweight then?
If you still need help, reply here with a little more detail, I am learning how to write the scripts myself and may be able to help you.
Thanks for the tip, thankfully I own my own house now so I couldn't give a shit what anyone thinks lol.
Not really, I have personally seen my executive director filter out candidates because she thought they lived too fay from the office.
It works just fine on any modern computer
Same thing goes with electrical extension cords.
I completely disagree it is investing. When you invest in something you accept some level of risk that goes with the chance of some gain.
Here it is, there is no nudity so it is semi nsfw
Yea Im a big trance head myself. Ill post a pic I have in a few minutes in a random Gizmodo forum and reply here with the link shortly, his private parts are blurred out but you can clearly see him in the middle of the dance floor lol
OMFG was pretty amazing too! I think that LED caters to the subculture much more than Insomniac does. I will def be going to more LED events in the future. Did you hear about the naked dude frying balls at White Wonderland?
Sure thing, this is from Wikipedia. Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers
Thank you for understanding where I am coming from. He is a master troll.