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You mean like this, start around 4 minutes.

So glad this will most not likely fund :)

Heyyyy, I love the taste of a licked stamp :)

No I haven't, the reason is the journalist in these countries are scared to report on anything remotely related to the cartels for fear of being murdered.

No shit!.....

I completely agree with you. I have been a loyal fan of this site for many years and it has taken a serious nose dive in 2012.

But I wanna knowwwww

You used to be madisomi right?

I have this feature but you only have about 2 minutes to make the edit.


A language is part of one's identity. New words are introduced based on cultural needs and evolution of the population.

You Mad Bro?

What do you mean scorching? Its currently 70 with a slight breeze.

Is there a way to do this for certain editors?

Hey but hurt guy, sorry if you have been offended.


Exactly! I live in LA and there are hella dangerous places here, you drive a few miles and then you are in a posh neighborhood. Every city has good and bad places. I take it @Jedi4life is not well traveled judging by his prejudice of a place he has not taken the time to visit much less understand.

No need to be so scared, I have traveled throughout South America and it seemed pretty safe from my perspective. Don't put yourself in stupid situations and you should be fine. The only country I would avoid down there is Columbia.

Mooching of my neighbor? Hardly, my neighbor fully knows the consequences of leaving a wireless network unsecured.

Every dollar saved is a dollar earned, Americans have a hard time understanding this concept. This is why we are a nation of debt instead of a nation of savings.