Soooo fucked up, I'm not but my gf is.
Soooo fucked up, I'm not but my gf is.
At the very least this will help you get noticed if you are riding on a busy street.
You must be new here. Sensationalist headlines get more clicks.
Actually I don't have WiFi in my house because my neighbor has an unsecured network that reaches my living room where I have my HTPC. The network can be spotty in my bedroom where I usually use my iPad so that is where I tether my phone. Where I live in LA I usually pull down 1-1.5 MBs which isn't fast enough for my…
Believe me I know I awesome the device is. It is really everything I could want in a phone at the moment. I just can't bring myself to go from a 4G handset to essentially a 3G handset since I rely on tethering so much at my house. Also Cyanogen Mod has given my phone new life and it is running as snappy as can be.
I still have the original Evo 4G and am holding out for LTE in Los Angeles. As tempting as the Evo LTE sounds there is no point in upgrading to a phone when LTE isn't fully deployed. I take it many people are in the same boat as me.
Wow, looks like GIzmodo lost about 10-20 readers due to this poorly written article. No need to constantly bash your readers like that. Remember we are the reason you get paid.
I am also in accounting, nice to meet a fellow bean counter :)
I will explain the solution using elementary algebra
I agree, also it seems that for the past few days I have had to log in each time I turn on my computer. Previously I would just stay logged in.
That sure is a lot of monies
I'll take an 8 track player over XM radio any day.
The point of an exam isn't to prove that I learned anything. It is to get a "A"
I used to create a program and just write all my notes in there. The teachers never suspected a thing!
Yea I have heard of people getting DUI's on motorized lawn mowers as well.
I must have you confused for someone else.
I had no clue about this. So you are saying that Gizmodo and Engadget are both under the same parent company?
I recognize you and then again I don't. Did you recently change your avatar?
The original product that was cloned by Cronus.
Woe, talk about a necropost. How did you come about makeing it here?