
Does anyone know what happens to the skin that was tattooed when he removes the dermals?

Awesome website!! Thank you :)

YES! This used to annoy the living ish outta me

Now playing

That's hilarious, watching that video eventually led me to this.

You have to jailbreak the device first, then you can ssh into it and install XBMC. FYI the current version of Apple TV3 is has not yet been exploited so your best bet is finding an Apple TV2 on Craigslist.

Where do you guys find the awesome double monitor wall papers at?

Well I guess that is what is so great about this diverse country. If where you live doesn't suit you, you are free to relocate to a much different place where norms and values are completely different.

This is actually a great idea, my problem is that I am so scatter brained I will start planning for 15 minutes and eventually it will evolve into doing. Same thing always happens to me at work.

Star the man Alan, and me too :)

Yes you did, what about turbines that are in the ocean,

Very important... To me

Sucks you had such a bad experience out here. Born and raised here for years and wouldn't ever move out unless I got the dream job of my life. I have traveled the world and LA is one of my favorite cities aside from Barcelona.

Hey, leave LA out of this

Let me see if this works.

Interesting, you guys should have a commenter post a guest article sometime :)

Have any of the full time current staff at Gizmodo started their job from this internship program?

I want a horse that pulls a carriage. Not all of this modern engine crap.

Not at all.

That's because the A4 chip baseband has already been exploited. Apple can't fix this with a software patch. As @crisss1205 says above me, even iOS 6 with be jailbroken assuming the iPhone 4 will receive support for that OS.