That's because those devices are running the new A5 chipset and the baseband has yet to be exploited. I had to wait just until a few months ago to Jailbreak my new iPad 2. With each new device the waiting time keeps getting longer and longer.
That's because those devices are running the new A5 chipset and the baseband has yet to be exploited. I had to wait just until a few months ago to Jailbreak my new iPad 2. With each new device the waiting time keeps getting longer and longer.
Not true at all, I talk about Android all the time. I think Android and Apple both have excellent operating systems. Giz does have a bias toward one of them but that is neither here nor there.
Well to be fair this is only a userland jailbreak, the baseband has yet to be cracked.
This is great, hopefully untethered is right around the corner.
Where is your star?
That's really nice of you. If the service is great I have no problem tipping 20-30% myself.
Can't tell if joking or not....
Well yea if you go back to your job and say, "hey boss here is how much of a tip they gave me."
Please tell me this is available on a jailbreak tweak?
Damn you order Pizza Hut weekly? Are you still in college?
This, and if you tip on your card the driver pays tax on that income.
Ha, it kinda feels like that :)
Thanks for the info. I currently have the original Evo 4G but I flashed it with Cyanogen as soon as possible so I am not to familiar with Sense, the only thing I remember about it at the time is that it was full of bloatware, slow and killed my battery swiftly.
Can you opt out of the Sense keyboard and use the stock Android one? I am waiting for the HTC 4G LTE to come out already.
Well, we are all human and it is practically impossible for us not to make judgments on others based on preconceived notions and how we are feeling at the time.
Ah, that may be the issue I am experiencing. I suspect that the email address has been deleted because I have emailed him about 4-5 times over the past few years and he has not responded once. If I recall I even said name your own price just to see if he would respond but no dice.
I tried to get my firstname.lastname@gmail but it was taken already.
The prices vary drastically state to state. I was shocked by the pack of cigarettes in NY city around $12! Here in LA they are $6.
If anything it has to do with the lack of a control group in this study..
Hmm, I didn't take into consideration people with hair on their hands, fair enough. I'm a pretty hairless guy so mine are dry in 2-3 seconds tops.