
How the hell did you get a gif to work for your avatar?

I haven't been to UMF but I plan on a trip next year for WMC and UMF! See you in Vegas!

Now playing

Crazy side note, if anyone has been to the Electric Daisy Carnival check this video out. Chocolate Rain Man is in it at 0:50 and throughout the video.

This, and also getting laid once in awhile might be fun.


That soundtrack is legit!

Damn she is so hot

Today is 420 and yes we are all stoners!

Extremely misleading title.

I have always wondered if this guy knows he is a meme....he must by now.

Shut up and take my money!

Very true but the helium in the atmosphere is in the upper layers of the atmosphere it is not financially viable at the moment to harvest helium in the atmosphere.

This is what I remember from my freshmen chemistry days. Any helium that is in the atmosphere leaks out.

I always went 16/8 for 2 months then 12/12 for a 1.5 months

No he is serious. There is a serious deficit of helium and it is massively under priced for the amount that is left in the world.


Damnnnnn look at those graphics!!!

So I read the link from Nike and they state the following:

This is quite possibly the funniest video I have seen on the YouTubes

I may be incorrect here but I thought in order for you to DM someone they have to follow you???