
I think that is yet to be determined. You have to keep in mind that Facebook was not only purchasing what Instagram is today, but would they could have been in a year or two - a major FB competitor.

replied to promote

Cleveland Rocks

Down for me as well here in LA, it will load once in awhile but when I click on an email I get the same page as above.

Now playing

I believe you are mistaking acid house for this.

Feels just like warm apple pie.

It is now, it was not originally.

This very well may be the end of Dropbox.

The ultimate fix is rooting and flashing Cyanogen Mod 7 on there.

Why no link to the actual page?

Well they should care because if the problem continues, eventually the major publishers may stop selling their books through Amazon.

Well there is a chance that your hand biometrics would show through the paper.

A Mars globe is also available.

Actually these machines also read for a heartbeat so you would also have to fake that as well.

The actually seem that not bad

Kinda like the way you would go down a slide as a kid.

Replied to promote

Glad I was able to show you the light. Thanks and good bye.

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This video may do a better job of convincing you.

I was just about to post this video so I made sure to check the comments first.