Pervez Musharraf

Pff. More like "When it's cold who refuses to let you touch the thermostat because of a silent fight twixt man and energy company? Me. When you're hungry who gives you a blank look until you start making canned soup out of frustration and then lamely offers to get carryout while said soup is halfway cooked? I do.

Cornish PASTIES. And it's not pronounced the same as the nipple ones, either.

Miles Teller looks exactly like Rachel Maddow. That is all.

They already made a movie about Tony Stark.

From the title I was seriously expecting that they cast a blonde white lady in the role.

nvm. it's an asian black bear. them ears!

"People without brains do an awful lot of talking"—the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz

Katy Perry Thinks Nothing, Says Things Though

She lost her virginity at 16 in the front seat of a Volvo sedan while listening to Jeff Buckley's album Grace.

"Not all of us look like dorks."

Says the kotaku commentator with the anime girl gif for an avatar.

Dat Joker mask @_@

Somehow I know two professional beekeepers. Everytime I think about that it astounds me.

Indiana was the dog.

This is really a bummer. The World Cup shouldn't be used to divide people. It should be a showcase of each country's best. Sportsmen who devoted their lives in pursuit of a common goal. Grinding, toiling, scraping their way towards greatness. And even if that goal is not reached, their work is not in vain. Because

A pro Nazi? You mean I could be getting paid for that?

"Gotta support the team."

More soccer articles please, so this guy can get even more upset.

It's not that bad, the Ukraine has seen worse meltdowns.

You're right - there were only two soccer games played today. Deadspin's coverage is exhaustive