Pervez Musharraf

It leaving is both a sign of distaste for the song and, perhaps, a refusal to sully its furry, Canadian cougar ears with Hetfield’s celebration of the American military spirit.”

I’ve always felt “Don’t Tread on Me” was a satire of American patriotism, not a celebration. However, Hetfield does come across like a 1950s

People in L.A. are often accused of only caring about things that happen in L.A., and perhaps there’s some truth to that.

The Maginot Line is only a terrible defensive strategy in hindsight.

Without getting too into it, the French Army in 1929 was faced with a manpower shortage because WWI had been so devastating to the French male population that the birth rates declined severely. The Maginot Line was intended to economize manpower

The irony is so perfect.

If that doesn’t convince you, consider the fact that no matter how a state votes, the electors can simply choose to do whatever the fuck they want once they cast their Electoral College ballots on behalf of other people in the state they live in.

That’s a gray area of true. There are state laws and party pledges

We had a VHS of it that I think my parents had taped off of Wonderful World of Disney. Although maybe they bought it as a bootleg in downtown cause that’s something they used to do with Disney movies cause they were so expensive. I’m not sure. Either way, I remember thinking it was a boring movie as a kid and

Joe Rogan and I had a mutual friend years ago. I talked with Rogan a few times in his pre-podcast days, and you described exactly my experience with him. I thought he was pretty bright until he started talking about how the asteroid belt was formed through a rogue planet tearing apart a hypothetical ninth planet that

Agree. I remember catching it just starting on some station one late night about 20 years ago and staying around waiting for it to get good. It ended before that ever happened. They stuck that first Ralph Brown scene early enough in the movie that I kept thinking it had to turn the corner sometime soon.

I re-watched

“Antoine Fuqua’s gritty King Arthur re-envisioned the medieval knight as a Roman officer played by Clive Owen, defending his country against invading Saxons.”

Can this really be called a “re-envisioning”? Fuqua’s Arthur is the Arthur of the History of the Britons, the Annales Cambriae, and a handful of modern

Can anyone explain the appeal of Full Frontal? I’ve watched it a few times and cannot understand why it’s as successful as it is. The jokes are all so predictable and lame. It’s like a Jeff Dunham show for Democrats.

Michigan is one of the most gerrymandered states in the U.S. Registration is almost equally split between Republicans and Democrats, but Republicans dominate the state Senate (27-11) and house (63-47). If districts were drawn fairly, you’d see numbers that are closer to 50/50.

MBA stands for:
Mediocre But Arrogant
Management by Accident
Moronic But Aggrandizing
More Bad Advice
Master Bullshit Artist
Murderer of Brand Assets

Hello Straw Man. So good to see you again.

He liked The Chieftains. I remember an interview from around the time he died when his wife said one of the guys from The Chieftains was the only friend Zappa ever had.

From an LA perspective, it’s more like your 42 year old brother moving into your old room at your parents’ house.

This is misleading.

Brazil has a national health service and a private system. The private system has company plans and private insurance, but “insurance plans” isn’t a category. Which one doesn’t cover the test? Do neither of them cover the test?

This is in addition to the fact that less than 20% of the country uses

I noticed another mistake: They’ve misidentified Doug Stanhope as a comedian.

308,000 registered Democrats in Florida voted for Bush. Had Gore gotten even 1% of those Democrats, he would have beat Bush.

You can’t entirely absolve Gore of responsibility for Gore’s loss. He ran a god-awful, disorganized, tone-deaf campaign and lost. Even Gore admits that he should have run a better campaign. Hell,

Nader spent the vast majority of his time outside of swing states campaigning. He spent almost an entire month in California compared to only 2 days in Florida.

Read Barry Burden’s paper on the 2000 election. He found zero proof that Nader did anything to intentionally throw the election to Bush, and Burden is an

I think most of the Courtney Love hate comes from her track record... after all, she did punch Kathleen Hanna in the face.