Pervez Musharraf

Yeah but that’s not as bad as all the grammatically incorrect things your mom yells when I’m plowing her in the ass. 

Now playing

It’s possibly the same 45 I had in Australia in the early 80s - a Disney Read-a-long book of “Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby”.

Definitely saw this in Australia in the ‘80s and remember a vinyl record, maybe a 45, with some songs on it as well.

As I predicated like the asshole I am, the only two metal, er, I mean “aggressive music” LPs that made this list were easily the most overrated ones. Both are couched in the cop-out hyperbole that they’re “difficult” or furthering the genre or don’t care what anyone thinks, when none of those things are true. Instead

I had the exact same experience “waiting for it to get good” which it never did. And I usually like this kind of movie, so it puzzled me. Glad to know I am not alone.

Withnail & I is one of those movies that I’ve never been able to get into, and it’s difficult to pinpoint why. Some of it may be that it’s charms are only semi-permeable to most non-British people; some of it may be that it’s a leetle overrated (something that I’ve noticed among many American enthusiasts of

No Bob’s Burgers review yet?  Swap your eyes and empathize?

If we’re being truly honest with ourselves, the idea of a “problematic fave” is less than 5 years old.

It only seems like a roller coaster if you haven’t been paying attention.  With Norm, it’s like driving through North Dakota.

I’m loathed to comment in these types of threads, but the indifference has qualitative value in this case. Cuomo has been in the pocket of real estate developers and corporate interests since he left the Clinton Administration (and, honestly, probably started before that). His experience in politics is solid but, at

Awwww, it thinks it’s people.

I have no idea who Sameer Deen is but I bet he’s an MBA suckass who doesn’t know anything about his actual product.

For fucks sake. When I was young, even if I didn’t want to go to a classmates party, my parents dragged me there anyways. Some days aren’t about you. Plus, you get cake. Go to the party!

Being friends with Pervez Musharraf would be a way bigger deal than hooking up with the Gogol Bordello dude. She should brag about that!

Dulles is an armpit. It is a terrible design for modern needs, it’s overcrowded, and much of the staff is rude. And it often suffers delays. And the vampire toll road going into Dulles sucks money from your pocket and time from your life.

"Outside the coasts, Gina is a size that is completely acceptable and desirable to many men"

I saw Disturbed at Ozzfest in 2000 in Camden. NJ. They were one of the first bands of the day to play. They had all sorts of technical difficulties. Their setlist got cut short and they only played 2 songs- "Down with the Sickness" and "Stupify".

It's the unbreakable Navajo code of the chode-rock world, except it's much less coherent than the actual Navajo code.