Man, I was hoping for a takedown of the Catholic church.
Man, I was hoping for a takedown of the Catholic church.
With the confusing chant of "Wolverine!"
Ben called the blunt force trauma to the head a "real time saver"
A wide-open ski run in the epicentre of human rights violations and transgressions. This is the perfect vacation spot for Bono. Both of them.
If that were true, then why the hell would I keep sending them strongly worded letters regarding decency standards on cable tv? BOOM!
No he didn't. Two or three uncredited screenwriters did, he had "notes", they applied the "notes", AND HIS NAME WENT ON IT.
Your ancestors were losers, deal with it.
Arizona's real solution: Grandpa driving Land Rover has heart attack, drives off road into cactus. Militia member 42 year old son living at home hears about it, goes to shoot Sikh who owns the local gas station.
Just an FYI, this video has a 'San Diego Padres' tag. Which doesn't make sense, I mean what do a bunch of broke, pathetic, bros irreverently taking swings and running around have to do with OH ok now I get it.