Mod Motor Guy

Um, that’s not exactly what I had in mind - as I stated I certainly wasn’t willing to plow over people.

Perhaps a bit reactionary?

The same can be said for all of us bantering this, my friend.

Hahahaha, I didn’t say that - YOU did. Demonstrating in the fucking road is being butthurt, I don’t care WHAT for, even it’s for Girl Scout cookie funding.

You’re jumping to conclusions, and reading what you want to in my replies - however I’m the asshole.

And the disruptive demonstrators that founded our country did

Are you trying to call me a racist without coming out and just saying so?  Because I have made no inferences to any color or creed in my opinion above. 

But, they ARE butthurt! It’s immature to do that, and thinking that the only way to get attention is to fuck shit up for the rest of the motoring public that doesn’t give a single, solitary droplet of shit about whatever the fuss is about.

Flame all you like, but part of being American is being able to state my

I can agree with your viewpoint here. I fully realize that the spirit of the item, and the letter of the item can vary drastically - especially considering some legislator’s, uh, imagination....if you will.

Now, let’s get something straight real fast. I said I didn’t have a problem with it. That’s not the same as

But it’s not non-violent when people want to get by! The protesters seem to start beating up cars that try to get through.

And since I am self-employed, my boss is not terrorizing me.  My clients that I serve have expectations, and they don’t give a shit about whatever problem I have - it’s not their problem! 

What’s peaceful about plugging a road? I have seen plenty of times when people want to get through, those folks get violent and beat up people’s cars.

Thank you very little for the fuck-off as well. 

Blocking a private driveway or entrance or whatever is a different kettle of fish. Union strikers have done that for years, and frankly, that’s fine - it’s not a public thoroughfare.

I still don’t believe they should get a free pass for those either, because running them over is wrong too.  

Well, that is a small problem. But if they are NOT protesting in the road, shouldn’t be a problem, right?

I mean, if someone hops a curb in a pickup and mows them down, that should still be manslaughter charges, as they were not....in....the....road.


Thank you for the well written rebuttal. I think that some of that you are reaching on a little bit. I didn’t see certain provisions you listed in the article. Do you by chance live in Florida and have more intrinsic knowledge of the bill?

To be fair, I can see some of these things occurring, as all

Nope, not a bad take. The article you linked to.....I disagree with. It sounds to me like these folks were playing it straight - not in the road, not rioting, simply protesting peaceably on grounds that their tax dollars paid for.

I would say that a lawyer could challenge that, and get their charges AND the law, and

Obviously unpopular take, but hear me out, and try to not flame the piss out of me. I’m happy to discuss, but don’t be a dick about it.

Anyways, this doesn’t change the fact in the slightest about your constitutionally protected right to protest. That’s actually termed “the right to peaceably assemble”. Peaceable

As this was a brand new car when I started my journey as a professional auto technician, I sit here and fondly remember things like the serpentine belt lightly squealing as they idle, the door gong that seemed so refined at the time as opposed to the damn dryer buzzer, and thinking to myself what a great pillow of

The sensor for the automatic headlight triggering was on the dashpad, and shared with the sunload sensor for the automatic climate control.

The sensor for the automatic DIMMING is up behind the rearview mirror.

Fun fact - pull up behind a pickup with a freshly shined up aluminum tailgate decor thing, and the auto

Oh, absolutely. I have done this before.

“Well, since your obviously dumbass insured caused this, and it’s your job to make me whole again, the cost to settle will be $X”

Important to remember, you NEVER have to accept the first offer the insurance company gives you.  It is exactly that, an offer.  You can negotiate

Interesting side note to this crash - notice just HOW nicely the Silverado is balanced? It sits perfectly on the roof. Also, another impressive bit - all the doors still work!

I’m fairly impressed at the roof crush resistance especially since the truck hit the roof on the driver’s side. That truck will see the road

You get a star for “atomic melvin”.  I’m going to go one step further, and recommend the use of the tow truck for the atomic melvin.


They should have just called Matt’s Off Road Recovery, he’d have yanked that shit straight with his XJ while Ed lit a cigarette and said “We’ll get ‘em out!”

1974 Dodge Monaco, baby! It’s got a 440 cubic inch plant. Cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It’s a model made before catalytic converters, so it’ll run good on regular gas.

Whaddya say?  Is it a solid choice or what?