Jon Snow White

Why has Robert Pattinson been included into the whole celeb lady dating celeb lady? Is he a lady? Imagine the outrage if someone would refer to one of these women as a ‘dude’!

The professor’s Twitter feed is filled with tweet sent a hateful, obnoxious messages

Only ONE Deadspin writer mentioned and that was even a non sports related article? Come on guys, you could have easily run the table with this list.

You do realize that the dude’s husband on the plane tweeted, that his husband harassed ivanka Trump and that he also had the intention to do so beforehand? That pretty much makes the whole oh-but-he-was-so-gentle bs obsolete.

To be fair, every white male journalist who would stress Ivanka Trumps beauty multiple times during the interview and speculate that she looks like she smells like vanilla (her words), would have gotten criticized by the usual crowd on jezebel (and social media). Oh, and her tweet was absolutely meant to be a comment

Where did I ever claim that islamic terrorism is the only kind of religious extremism in the history of the world? How about we compare the impact of a few religious (American) nutjobs attacking abortion clinics to that of ISIS trying to destroy the Middle East and exporting terrorism all over the world by killing as

He IS a terrorist, but not motivated by religious extremism. Most other live shooters aren’t motivated by religious fundamentalism either. They commit acts of terrorism, but those are an expression of American gun extremism and gun violence.

That’s not what mansplaining is, unless you’re claiming that women know more about Islam and Islamic extremism than men.

Somewhere, a village is missing it’s idiot.

In other words, exactly like the humans did in Westworld. I recall that being discussed around here as rather ‘problematic’.

Hey fuckface, two tribes going at each other, or rather, one tribe committing genocide:

SA is the religious center of islamic faith, because it harbors the two most important sacred places of Islam, you imbecile. I never said that the SA government is the political center of Islam, even though it wields considerable economic and therefore also political power in the region. You want to split hairs about

How many of those were religiously motivated and what is the respective bloodshed, besides those are all attacks on US soil. I don’t give a shit about your homegrown gun nuts and terrorists, but I do give a shit about innocent people in foreign countries all over the world getting blown to pieces by islamic

‘going a very good job’, but I’m the one in high school?

So, the victims today deserved to die b/c other people died in the name of religion a long time ago? That is the rationalization for islamic terrorist attacks today? Does that include the enslavement of women as sex slaves by ISIS? Raping and selling them? Cool!

Actually, Muslim only make up 2.5% of all terrorist attacks on US soil recorded since 1970 (a similar study said it’s less than 2% in Europe). According to this report by the FBI, there were more reports of acts of terror by the Jewish faith than by Islam.

I’m not. I live in a country with pretty strict gun laws. This insanity is on you guys.

Count the casualties on both sides of those terrorist attacks and come back to me (100:1 or maybe 1000:1?), or better tell the victims families of a suicide bomber that their loved ones being blown to pieces is essentially the same as the split lip of that woman in the article or a synagogue or mosque defiled by

No, forgive me of not being aware of any African tribal conflict vs a worldwide jihad, waged by numerous extremist islamic terror groups against the infidels.

Count the casualties and come back to me.