Jon Snow White

Everything he says is true. But it’s still not an ok thing to say you wish for “white genocide.” He trolled, and he got exactly the reaction he wanted.

Keith Richards will outlive every last one of us, though. :)

She deserved to be condescended to. She’s not very bright.

Well he’s black so he it will never be enough. And of course, the innocent white girl that spit on him, pushed him, and hit him to further escalate the situation is absolved from any responsibility to de-escalate the situation that night.

Well he’s black so he it will never be enough. And of course, the innocent white girl that spit on him, pushed him, and hit him to further escalate the situation is absolved from any responsibility to de-escalate the situation that night.

Are you one of Mixon’s lawyers? A Sooner booster? Or just the biggest random Mixon apologist in the world?

This article could just be called “I’m getting older”. I know what it feels like, it is happening to me too.

I’m not upset from a morality/jobs standpoint - if you don’t do your job, you get fired... if they can choose not to perform for Trump, then why couldn’t a Pharmacist refuse to fill BC.

Just as pharmacist have to sell BC pills and Plan B, waiters have to give gay couples their food, bakers have to bake the “gay wedding cake”, the Rockettes have to dance for Trump.

Right? I guess I’m going to be the Bad Feminist in this one.

If I refused to work for people I hate, I’d be unemployable.

They are contracted employees. I assume adult women know to read contracts before signing and agreeing to the terms. I won’t insult them by clutching my pearls that they have to adhere to their contracts.

Shouting people get kicked off flights all the time.

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

How dare you introduce the idea of dignity and respect for someone and their children... What are you some sort of fascist sympathizer?

She lost not because of misogyny, but because she was a terribly flawed candidate.

This election was a game of “What’s the Least Shitty Deal” and we all know it. And Clinton had all the points on the board.

these comment sections were designed for dialog.

to deny any type collaboration exists on set would be pointless, of course, many films are made better, and some worse, through improv and ad-libbing, but the ultimate arbiter of their appropriateness to the film lies with the writer or the director - not the actor.

a director is responsible for the entire movie, the actor is responsible for their part - unless said actor is a producer on the film, their input should reflect their role in the creative process. this applies to anyone on set - a gaffer may be a fully realized person with ideas and experiences and thoughts about