Jon Snow White

He had fun? What was he supposed to do? He needed that interview, just like the Brazilian journalist needed to keep Diesel happy. A clear case of power imbalance. Unlike the female journalist, he couldn’t go on social media, as a man, and cry sexual harassment. Nobody would have listened. He played along, adhering to

Stop giving history lessons. Non-christians today, in the 21st century, in 2016 ad don’t get slaugtered by christian terrorists based on their religious beliefs all over the world. That is simply not true, but it is a sad reality with islamic terrorism today. How could anyone deny that? Would you argue with the

So, that went from credible sources and Saudi Arabia not really being important to islam to ‘reality’ is my source (what have YOU been smoking) and uuh, yeah Mecca and Medina and it’s sacred places are in Saudi Arabia but but but that’s only geographical ya’know!

Did he do it for religious reasons? Hardly, it was unadultered racism. That’s like saying shooting people in a mall is an expression of ones aversion to consumerism.

Now playing

Hey Bobby, here are two well known actresses, basically doing the exact same thing to a male journalist. Funny, this didn’t get any traction on social media. I wonder why...

Sugar, save all your condescension for your hubby, will ya?

In the 21st century, sweetie? Preaching to kill the infidels at church on sunday? Waging a holy war against the non-christian world? Sending terrorists to muslim countries to blow themselves up among the infidels?

 - What is your credible source?

In the 21st century, are those ‘strict christians’ called upon to kill those heathens whenever they can, by scores of preachers at the church on Sunday?

Yeah, the woman insulted and hit in the face vs 12 dead people in Berlin maimed by a truck and 45 others injured, many of them disabled for life. I can see how this is absolutely comparable.

US mass shootings as of recent, have almost never been religiously motivated (Sandy Hook, the Denver movie theater shooter, Dylan Roof etc.). They are an expression of ‘Murican gun culture, not religious zealotry and intolerance towards ‘infidels’. Those mass shootings rarely take place outside the US (please check

Agreed upon, by whom?

above all, be available

Very few people would state that all muslims are dangerous, but almost all religiously motivated terrorist attacks are perpetrated by muslims these days. A religion that refers to non-muslims as ‘kuffar’ (infidels) isn’t exactly a beacon of tolerance, especially in light of the fact, that there are many religious

Jezebel reviews serve as some kind of litmus test to me. If a movie/tv show involves a cis white male protagonist, I’ll giddily wait for the takedown on jezebel and almost always decide to watch it. Nine out of then times, I’m highly entertained.

Where would this lead to? Employees acting on their own feelings whenever they see fit. If you wouldn’t get served at a restaurant, simply b/c the staff decided the didn’t like your face, stating that there could be temps replacing them for this day, you’d be pissed, wouldn’t you. It’s not within the rights of

Please cite the protests against Aretha Franklin performing at the inauguration. I’m waiting....

You are so brave, while still not risking your job!

Are you saying that women should be removed from the vicinity, whenever Donald Trump shows up somewhere? As of now, he’s still a free citizen, which means he can move freely as he pleases. That would make it very difficult for anyone, to make sure, no woman is in his vicinity at any time. You might rethink that. 

The question of the op was about performing at ‘political events’, as if those were any different for entertainers, than any other paid events. I’ve answered the post by pointing out that nobody criticized Aretha Franklin for performing at Barack Obama’s inauguration. That did not change her role as a performer. You