Laser Swords Nightclub

Practice what you preach.

So he’s implicitly affirming the validity of sanctuary cities, then.

Cool. I honestly don’t even know why I bother commenting on these goddamn sites.

If this was an impromptu speach while extremely poorly worded her statement could have possibly been explained. Rep Omar however knew she would be speaking in front of this group and giving that speach. Someone should have told her to phrase it along the lines of Some peoplendid something in the name of our faith that

But where would they live in the meantime? Even if the political will was there (which I find questionable because it sure seems like SF is already in an affordable housing crisis and there is nothing being done) it will take time to build those new housing units. And how happy are you going to be if the new housing

Where would they live? Literally. The average one bedroom apartment in SF is over $2,000 a month. Where is someone who, likely, speaks little to no English and is going to do minimum wage work (even if the minimum wage is $15/hour) going to come up with $2,000+ each and every month? It should also go without saying

Oh, now I’m hungry and drooly and I have spring fever!

well then call me an idiot. He enthusiastically bombed the hell out of Libya, agreed to the surge in Iraq, droned the living hell out of weddings and god knows what else all over the middle east/north africa.

I think it took far, far less than a month...

It’s because approved dumbasses keep falling for the bait and reply.

Gotta love that nice symmetry of millions of people in the United States being unable to afford health care or food for their families while one person can accrue as much personal wealth as an entire nation and just keeps getting richer. 

Jeff Bezos bought Whole Foods and immediately lowered the prices on salmon, a nutritious fish.

Yet, you say nothing about Trump! she’s just following her leader!

She’s an asshole.

She thinks because she is a POC, muslim and a woman she can’t be criticized.

Also, am a venezuelan that lost everything, lost relatives and friends to crime and poor general situation and had to migrate and leave everything behind, and she is a supporter of Maduro’s regime.


This is what I am trying to explain to people about her anti-semitic comments and it’s very illuminating the way people have been resistant to seeing the same deplorable behavior in her they have condemned in others. She dogwhistled anti-semitism multiple times, gave grinning-in-your-face “sorry if you got offended”

 Bezos has done a lot of things right and I love Amazon’s crazy drive to disrupt markets and such. The man is incredibly good as a business man. Now I think he could be much better and should really sit down and have a talk with someone like Buffett. If Bezos was a humanitarian and fought for the common man he would

No one says this kinda shit to men

I agree, and I believe Obama won twice because he instinctively knew exactly where to position himself to be palatable to the greatest number of people possible without ignoring the political sentiments of swing state voters. Meaning, he knew how to triangulate between urban/suburban liberals, urban minorities, and

If you spend a lot of time on Twitter or the comment sections of blogs, it’s very easy to believe the Democratic base lies somewhere between Bernie, Warren, Omar and AOC. I happen to believe this is untrue. I’m in a very, very liberal town in Southern California, and most people I know are bullish on either Kamala

I agree. I also think that until burgeoning numbers of Muslims can prove they are good citizens, we have to keep up the scrutiny. Too many examples of them not playing well with other when they are in the majority. Even in Omar’s case, though Minn has a large population of Muslims in her district, 67% of her district