Laser Swords Nightclub

his “I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too,” response to questions about his recent accumulation of wealth was pretty fucking tone-deaf. Had it come out of any other politician (can you imagine Hillary having said such a thing?), they’d be pilloried. It’s his

Why are they focusing on his accent when his wife stole a college?

When I was eleven years old I walked up to the other team’s coach and said the harshest, most inexcusable thing to him. They were just words, but those words got me a punch on the top of my head. More of a hammer strike really.

Member when people were starting to think Glenn Beck was actually not a horrible fucking monster?


I have to agree on this one. She at the very least needs to practice having her speeches proofread by slooths looking to see how much damage her words can do when out of context.