Laser Swords Nightclub

The purge was one of a handful of truly great days on this site. It’s said they conducted the purge to affect me. I take that as a compliment, but it’s not true. I have been followed once or twice since Gawker became Splinter and each time, like many other times, my account was deleted. The only way to defeat constant

Before the term was co-opted by non-equine entities, riding without a saddle used to be known as “bareback.”  Like it’s newer meaning, it’s not all that uncommon.

I’d take GW Bush over Trump.

Spoiler Alert: Bernie, Biden, and Beto all raise record sums. Bernie bows out and hands the cash over to the DNC just like last time. Gets a little harder to determine after that. I could see Biden going the distance but that might just be my allegiance to the polls. I’ve got a feeling about Beto. Half centrist, half

Usually the last to announce wins.  He’s making sure Hillary doesn’t surprise everyone again.  Doubt she will. 

Times have changed. Melania literally stole Michelle Obama’s speech and said it was hers. Plagiarism doesn’t matter anymore. Little matters beyond getting the Russian Stooge out of the Oval.

I’ll take him over Trump. Sometimes you gotta settle for a double instead of the homer when knuckleballs are being tossed your way.

Duh.  My exact point on the other article but everyone called me a troll for saying it.

Agreed, but should note that Obama was an exception to this rule.

Biden leads Bernie by 8 points or more in every poll but Emerson’s, which is kind of a non-serious poll in the first place. Biden leads trump in every poll by at least 5 points.

Everyone comments on the internet for the same reason.

No it doesn’t.

I agree, it was very clear from the start that he was a real challenger.  He took the game to Trump and nearly won.  But looks like he didn’t win so let’s just completely forget about him.  Just bothers me.

Pretty disappointing how the media and other allies are treating Avenatti now that he’s of no use to them. Whatever his past transgressions this man has been a brave - and loud - voice for The Resistance.  There was a time not too long ago when many on this very webpage supported the idea of him running for

The Millennium Tower is mostly vacant because of the negative news stories on the building, so that would be an option. I’m not terribly familiar with the layout of the units, but they might need to be retrofitted to accommodate more beds. Purely cosmetic though so it could be done quickly.

Way back when people said he was in the closet.  Now I’m talking about his Newark days so maybe things have changed for him but I think if he wants a real shot at the crown he needs to do more to embrace those rumors instead of end them with this Rosario stuff.  She’s lovely but what do you want more, a GF or the

Exactly. We in San Fran understand that we need more affordable housing. Hell I could use some myself. If we were awarded two or three hundred thousand Undocumenteds our leaders would be forced to build it. Unfortunately sometimes it takes a crisis to get things done.

I live in San Fran and can tell you for certain that our community welcomes this. Not only would this lend federal legitimacy to the idea of sanctuary cities, it would improve our already-booming economies. Undocumenteds do the work that Americans just aren’t willing to do these days, and those jobs are ready for the

I think you’re being rude.