415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

People due tend to forget Jobs was a sociopath...

Honestly as a huge fan who saw Star Wars in the theater in 77, this was my biggest criticism of the prequels and TPM in particular when I saw them in the theater. Star Wars always seemed to be in another universe that had nothing to do with our world — including languages that were made up or heavily adapted foreign

Ro finds that she herself has been compromised: the Intrepid is in Changeling hands, and after she kills the two shapeshifting officers on her shuttle she finds a bomb planted to silence her.”

Do the folks writing these episode reviews actually watch the episodes first?

She killed neither of the two Changelings on the

Admittedly, while it sucks they offed Ro, she got a VERY good sendoff.

But replace the charm of The Princess Bride, with the post-Whedon era-CW template.

 The pink rollerblades are a nice touch. Ron DeSantis is probably punching his computer screen.

Look at Mr. “never woke up on a beach with no idea how he got there” over here!

Lots of other companies use it in trucks, even big rigs. I had it at Sonic Internet. 

Its used by other companies, I am a stagehand and worked for Sonic Internet for the second year of covid and they got this system in our trucks. It actually effected me after a few months, I felt like I was being watched in my own car when I was off. If you stop too fast it triggers a report, lots of things. You can

If I put stickers on my car, I’d be strongly tempted to add one of these:

Weather extremes? Nordic countries get along quite well with tons of snow and smaller vehicles. Rain and heat don’t matter for trucks vs. cars.

Full size trucks and SUVs make perfect sense in much of the country.

They’re fucking sickos. They absolutely delight in state-sanctioned execution while somehow prattling on about the dangers of government.

Samsies.  But Trek has always been first in my heart.

Who else are you supposed to write for? People who aren’t fans of the show? They’ve got Discovery for that.

I mean, have you seen their attempts at doing something new?

I turn 47 next month and have two daughters, 17 & 19, in NO WAY could I ever date someone near the same age as my daughters, it’s gross. I actually would prefer a strong woman who has life experience and will help me shoulder the burdens of life, not some kid who spends half their time on their phone looking at Tik

Girls are conditioned from childhood to think that an older man paying attention to them makes them special. “You’re so! mature for your age!” is said to girls a lot to make them accept unacceptable behavior from parents, teachers, and male strangers. We’re told the lie that girls “mature faster” than boys so the “wisd

No one should be a billionaire.
Of any race or gender.