415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

It totally fell flat for me, I just don’t care about anyone in it. Visuals are meh. Its sad compared to Rogue One. 

Fuck this guy, I’m done with it. 

But they built real vehicles that that drove in the film for real. This looks like it’s all CGI with little practical vehicles. I really think it’s going to ruin it. I’m a stagehand, this happening to Mad Max makes me sad. 

I love Mad Max, Fury Road was great because it still had real vehicles. Yes there was some CGI but it was to enhance the real vehicles. This trailer looks to me like they don’t have real vehicles and went whole hog on CGI and it ruins it. I’m a stagehand, I have worked on TV, movies and other shows, I have been a fan

This show is so bad, I thought it was cancelled. What they did to the Klingons is unforgivable and they just sit around and talk about their feelings. The Kelpiens are cool though, but overall the show is just terrible.

It’s a rip off of the Saharagelber, a European family built one and travelled Africa.

That was my guess

Pixar is lost

I keep working out how I can have an EV and I just can’t quite get there yet, a good hybrid is my answer for now. My DD is in good shape so I’m keeping it for now, but maybe in a few years I can pick up a hybrid Tacoma or maybe some other cool stuff will be out by then. 

Yeah cuz all of ten people own them, I live in Marin and I only know of one.

They make them for off road racing trucks, I wanted one for my Dodge M37 but the way the military made the cab makes it hard to do without cutting out a lot. 

Milk is generally a local sourced product anyway so things would be regionally effected by trends. We have good local dairies in Marin and I go through more than a gallon a week, kefir too. We are super Scandinavian though, tons of dairy and I have zero issues.

I think it’s weird they made all this lore about Mandalorians, he was just a bounty hunter with a helmet. I like Andor and Rogue One and that is it since the original trilogy. 

Not enough snot on Atreyu 

This better be good, I love the books

No these all suck

What? Moonraker is a masterpiece, it’s just a different era. 

Yeah I loved it, but now Amazon is not talking to the people who made it great... so they will probably ruin it. 

I hope they don’t screw up SG, Disney has just ruined Star Wars except for Andor/Rogue One. I hear they are not even talking to the people who made SG, they are making Ark, which might be good but the production quality is awful and not in a charismatic way like Farscape. Quantum Leap is a joke, what a horrible new

Fuel will be way more.