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Bernie’s been through a lot of Bush.

I don’t think he’s goofy, I think he’s authentic.  Just being himself, a grandpa from Vermont.  Also he’s lived through 19 fricken inaugurations now, I don’t blame him for looking unimpressed.  

Last night my partner and I watched the “Crack” documentary on Netflix, and it sparked a debate. “Who was the worse president; Trump or Reagan?”

Yeah, it’s amazing to see the degree to which his lackeys have been unwilling to accept the reality that loyalty flows only in his direction. He’ll keep people around as long as they do his bidding, but he just pushes and pushes until they either can’t go any further or they become inconvenient, then he cuts them

It’s so tragic, and yet so true.

I am so sick of hearing from/about him. When Twitter took him offline, I cheered, not just because he was silenced but because maybe news outlets would stop fucking writing about him. There was an NYT article yesterday about how the press wrote about 3% of Obama’s tweets and 65% of Trump’s. Silence is indeed golden. 

Trump showed us the lows that are possible.

By the way, I fixed your fucking headline image.

While I agree that no one is quite like Trump, I do think that between the myth of a stolen election and the revelation that the institutions of American government can clearly be undermined to the point of crumbling within a handful of years, that some truly awful things may still be to come.

He’s also a poor person’s interpretation of what rich people are like. Hence the base he hates so much.

I forget who said it, but they put it perfectly

The anger and hate Dump stoked will live on, but without him in a position of power, and so many wannabes trying to seize the sword, the mutations will be—let’s say “interesting times” are ahead.

It's not quite indulgences, since by the end, the Church had begun selling them for sins not yet committed. Trump and Rudy were just too dumb to think of that particular grift...but they surely would have.

Now playing

Shit attracts shit. This cannot surprise anybody. If there’s anybody who seems amenable to selling every last piece of himself it’s Dump.

Why, it’s just like the Catholic Church and Indulgences. And they say the man has no respect for religion. Silly!

To me it looks like what Donald Trump would think a futuristic electric BMW SUV would look like. Not good.

Holy living fuck is that BMW in the lead image ugly. I mean I knew the new BMW’s were bad but I don’t pay attention to SUV’s much, so I really had no idea.

I re-read what you wrote... um, yeah, you were comparing the two cars.

Please provide a list of cars that make more power per cylinder. To make it easy, here are the reference points.

I like this game. Would you drive this?