415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

I don’t even want to fly over Iowa. 

I really didn’t use twatter very much, but I cancelled it when Elon bought it. I haven’t replaced it with anything and I don’t think I will. 

Praise be

That’s seriously her name? Bill Gates daughter is Phoebe Gates, makes me think Phoebe Cates immediately. 

He was a dick, I am a stagehand and he used to go outside on the loading dock of their event shows and scream at people. I really wanted to punch him in the face. 

I think the realized they really fucked up the first two seasons, badly, so they got a dream team together to make this one worth them all combined.  

Brooklyn 99 mash up, he finds them a firehouse and then joins them! 

Well join my reality where only Rogue One and Andor exist after the original trilogy! And I love the Ewok TV movies. 

It was horrible but he did his job, blame Lucas. I don’t understand going after the artist for a character they didn’t write. He’s got to eat, people are dicks. I don’t even accept that those films exist so I’m good. The Phantom Edit didn’t even make them watchable. 

I’ve seen it here in SF/Marin. 

I saw the second Ferrari based Stratos in SF, it took the Tiburon exit when we got into Marin. I actually talked to the guy, I said that I thought there was only one of them and he said it was the second.

I worked on Lost, he seemed nice to me. RIP

I just pretend the first two seasons don’t exist, much like all the crap Star Wars I don’t know about. 

I couldn’t get through the first episode, really disappointing.

I’m from HI, it has happened. 

Now look at an original Elan.

What? This is why Jalopnik is dead to me now, real drivers love Miatas, they are also the most raced car on Earth.

598. Rygar   sold, best game soundtrack ever

598. Rygar   sold, best game soundtrack ever

I have loved both since I was a kid in the 8o’s, I never missed a ST movie or show and I hate every SW movie post original trilogy except Rogue One/Andor. Both have their dark times. Strange New Worlds is working for me more than the other new shows but Picard season 3 is looking like maybe? I can’t watch disco, when

Garbage Star Wars, I’m so grateful for Rogue One and Andor.