415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

haha so true

I never played the game, this is like Y the Last Man but with mushrooms and no men dying. They should have just made a GOOD Y the Last Man. Why haven’t they made a Silo series (Wool etc..) yet?? A good one would be pretty awesome.

In some examples I’ve been around it seem like they like the guy enough and perhaps getting money and a house is a nice shortcut to building that up with someone their age.

Well it’s gonna take someone of a certain age to get your name on here!

I’m 43, I’ve been married a long time but I have worked around apprentices in my union and they just don’t know what we are talking about haha. From that experience I think dating someone that much younger would be rather lonely, they have no experience with what you grew up with and you can never say, hey

China would make it worth it, everything this big has to pass the China test now, THAT is the world we live in. 

Yeah I can imagine it’s, dangle the shiny object in front of the shallow masses.

So it’s proof shallow films are what people want, shocker. 

Dick, no really

It seems like, more and more, that you are just a dick.

The other shows feel like a letdown after Andor!

I couldn’t get through the first episode, I loved the movie ( I was in it at the end as a kid) but I did not like how it was going.

Yeah Pike is awesome, love that show. Prodigy is a fun quick show, the rest I am done with as well.

Its made for China

Rogue One is the only good film since the original trilogy, they just ruined everything after it. Andor is great, keep doing things like that. I just pretend the prequels and this other crap never happened. Solo was so bad I forgot I saw it. 

How come you are not at the Hyphen or Autopian? We saw the pink GT today and thought of you.

That is cool. I found a download from someone who edited Andor into two movies, 12GB each film. I was thinking how that might be cool and here it is.

I quit watching long ago. They do the stupidest shit, stay in the same region...