415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Yeah I miss that, the constant talks about feelings and fitting in blah blah in Disco is disappointing as well.

So if they show Klingons will they be the horrible Disco version? What they did really pissed me off.. I also hope they don’t stop and have talks about their feelings for most of the show like Disco. 


1952 Dodge M37. 

Hold my aero beer

The episode where she goes off with her BF and they eat the heart out of the bison was pretty cool. I thought her outfit at the end of the show was a bit much though. 

I would buy a plug in AWD, but not before that.

We had a guy in Mill Valley pitch a Ferrari into the Bay on a test drive. I think Jalopnik did a story on it back then.

I was thinking of watching it recently, I will wait I guess. It’s really good when you are super baked too! 

He’s a traitor

I bought a bike from them when they started up, it was somehow not going full speed and I ended up selling it. 

Well there are nice people and nice towns there, are you some NYC person who labels a whole state racist? 

They don’t watch this

Prequels are garbage but the music is pretty darn good. 

I was just thinking about this the other day, where in CA? Bay Area please.

I really liked that movie

I hope it’s as good as Rogue One, that’s the only post original trilogy movie I will ever watch again. 

No Kelly Preston, no deal

Yes at least you hint at the original Countach being pretty, and I mean the very first one before ANY body cladding or wings. And this site really might be dead when you suggest an F4o is ugly. 

I don’t mind the way the older shows did it, they didn’t take up half the episode.